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Gout Arthritis can be very painful and some people have described it as walking on glass.  This said, treating gout is two fold.  You want to eliminate the source or reason why you get gout and reduce the pain by taking things that will naturally reduce inflammation in the joints and areas that are affected.  In this article, I am going to go over some natural home remedies to treat gout pain.

  1. Fish Oil - Personally, I recommend eating your cold water fish (cod, mackerel, herring, sardines, salmon, etc.) to get your omega 3's but since most prefer fried fish or don't like fish at all, you can always opt for fish oil, either in liquid form or in capsules.  Frankly, I have not found a better food than cold water fish that will help with inflammation in joints.  Fish oil is good for all types of arthritis...even metabolic arthritis aka gout.

  2. Quercitin is another natural anti-inflammatory that can be used to reduce the pain that gout causes.  Once again, I suggest eating the foods that are high in quercetin such as capers (which are great on salmon by the way), apples, organic tomatoes, green leafy vegetables and berries (all types).  That said, you can find quercetin in health food stores like whole foods grocery in capsule form.

  3. Cayenne Pepper - Cayenne pepper has a huge amount of other health benefits but it works very well for reducing inflammation.  Use it as a topical aid.  Mix a little pepper with some vinegar, bring to a boil and let it cool.  Then dab it on the affected areas.  If this seems too much for you, you can also buy Capsicum cream from your grocery.

  4. Turmeric powder - Chinese and Ayurvedic cultures have been using the things that they cook with as herbal remedies for common ailments for thousands of years.  Turmeric is reportedly a powerful anti-flammatory spice that will help reduce overall inflammation in the body.

These are just a few of the natural home remedies for gout arthritis.  The reality is that there are tons of options that you have to help prevent gout pain that don't require doctor administered medication, which I don't recommend.  Try some of these suggestions out to see if it helps...

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Crepitus can be defined as an unexpected creaky noise coming from beneath the skin or due to joint movement or somewhere around the lungs. Also, referred to as snapping joints, popping joints or creaky joints, Crepitus is a growing problem among people of all ages nowadays.

Derived from a word that means frictional sounds, Crepitus can be categorized into several types depending on the region and cause.

Patellofemoral Crepitus happens when the structure of two very important bones of our body, femur and patella which is the knee cap, is not normal. A disorder called Patellofemoral Syndrome or Chondromalacia Patella takes where the friction between the trochlear groove of the femur and patella is more than 20% of that between two ice cubes,

Crepitus can happen in the knee joint too when there is excessive extension or augmentation of the joint which certainly means injury. The main reason can be degeneration of the patella-femoral joint or damages in other joints or joint capsule. Straightaway affecting the kneecap, knee crepitus can be quite alarming.

Crepitus happens in the neck when it has undergone serious soft tissue injuries or large surgeries. Usually no bone is involved in the neck crepitus, hence using anti-inflammatory medication can easily cure the problem.

Shoulder Crepitus generally happens in people who suffer from various osteo problems such as various types of arthritis, crepitus in shoulder gives a painful experience when there is any movement in the shoulder.

Usually a popping or cracking sound in the knee retropatellar crepitus is an indication of severe damage. The reason for such crepitus is the grinding of the two joint bones of the knee. It directly affects the posterior position of the kneecap.

Causes of Crepitus

Crepitus is mainly caused because of the recent disturbances that the joint has suffered which can be sensitive tissue surgery or some major damages to the ligaments or bones. Also, serious joint problems such as Arthritis can cause crepitus at various regions of the body. Crepitus is basically a symptom of a problem than being a problem as it might indicate damages or unceasing injuries. It can also happen in the tissue of the human body when there is a significant amount of air present in them.

Treating Crepitus

In some cases, elastic supports help in preventing further damage to the knee and eases tension on it. Some individuals also find it effective to apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes after exercising. Sometimes, using medicines like Advil, Aspirin or Aleve can also help get relief from pain and other discomforting symptoms.

A number of ways can be adopted to get rid of the annoying noise. Mostly comprising of exercises, methods adopted will not only improve the physical activity of the sufferer as well as increase the movement of the joint. The things that should be avoided while treating Crepitus of the knee are climbing the stairs, aerobics, bending knees, playing some outdoor sport like football, wearing high heeled shoes etc.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis is inflammation of joints, which results in pain, stiffness and swelling of the affected joint. The word "arthritis" is derived from the Greek word "arthron" which means joint and Latin word "it is" meaning inflammation. Arthritis includes a group of diseases that affects the joints and tissues surrounding the joints. It is one of the leading causes of immobility in people above the age of 50.

CAUSES: Normally a joint is covered with smooth cartilage that protects the joint and allows the smooth movement. When there is breakdown of cartilage, the smooth surface becomes irregular and the bones rub together causing pain and inflammation. Joint inflammation can be due to number of reasons such as:

• General wear and tear of the joint causing osteoarthritis
• Autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis)
• Infection (septic arthritis caused by bacterial infection)
• Trauma or repeated injury (post traumatic arthritis)

In some cases, inflammation is temporary and goes away after some time; whereas, in arthritic joints the inflammation is chronic and may cause long lasting disability. Arthritis affects men, women and children. Person who is overweight is at higher risk of developing osteoarthritis.


• Osteoarthritis is the most common type which results due to trauma, overuse of the joint and degeneration of joint cartilage due to natural process of aging.
• Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, long lasting disease that affects approximately 1% of the population all over the world. It is due to body's immune system attacking own cells and destroying the joint surfaces.
• Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children
• Psoriatic arthritis- Psoriasis is a psycho-somatic disorder that affects mainly the skin; but as the disease progresses, joints are also involved.
• Other less common types of arthritis are reactive arthritis, gonococcal arthritis, tuberculous arthritis, viral arthritis, systemic lupus arthritis, adult Still's disease and scleroderma.

SYMPTOMS: The symptoms of arthritis depend upon the type of arthritis, but the common symptoms that are seen in all the types of arthritis are:

• Joint pain
• Joint swelling
• Redness and inflammation of the joint
• Stiffness which is worse in the morning
• Limited range of movement of the affected joint.

DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosis is made by medical history, careful evaluation of the symptoms, physical examination and investigations. Investigations include blood tests, joint x-rays and examination of joint fluid in case of infective arthritis. Blood tests vary according to the type of suspected arthritis case.

TREATMENT: The treatment of arthritis depends upon the cause and type of arthritis, severity of the disease, age and occupation. Treatment focuses on reducing the pain and discomfort and to prevent further progress of the disease. Different treatment options are:

• Medications: Pain relieving medicines which include over-the-counter medicines and prescription drugs are given to relieve the pain. Some of the painkillers are acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, biologics and corticosteroids. Other group of medications include anti-malarials, immune-suppressants, azathioprine and methotrexate.
• Exercise and Physical therapy: This improves muscle and bone strength, reduces pain and stiffness and helps in maintaining healthy joints. The exercise program for each patient is decided by the physical therapist depending upon type and severity of arthritis. Heating pads and cold packs give temporary relief to the inflamed joints.
• Surgery: Surgery of joints is considered in cases where the above treatments fail. It is done to maintain a normal lifestyle.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As we get older, many of us start to wake up with joint aches and pains we never had before.

Although you may still consider yourself young, such as late 30's or early 40's, the truth is that most causes of joint aches and pains is arthritis.

This isn't to say that you have arthritis...but you could be in the early stages of developing it.

You may be overweight or you may not be. The onset of arthritis can be from an old injury....especially if you played sports in your younger years.

If you are a few pounds too heavy, this can make the situation worse.

Of course, there are several types of arthritis. There is rheumatoid arthritis and there is osteoarthritis as two examples. The causes of joint aches will depend on which type of arthritis you may have or may be developing, if indeed arthritis is at the cause of your aches.

If you notice your joint aches happen frequently in the morning, upon first rising, then osteoarthritis could be your problem.

The Root Causes of Joint Aches

Regardless if it's rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, both types are characterized by inflammation of the joints. This inflammation causes joint aches because of the swelling and stiffness created.

As such, regardless of what the causes of your joint aches happen to be, there is a really good chance that you should look into anti-inflammatory substances to counter the inflammatory cascade transpiring within your body.

One of the best anti-inflammatories is fish oil. Fish oils are a natural substance that can not only help alleviate inflammation, but they have a myriad of other health benefits, such as improving cardiovascular and brain functioning.

Other good sources of anti-inflammatory foods include rich, leafy green vegetables. Think spinach.

If you live in the United States, you've probably never heard of a substance known as the New Zealand green lipped mussel. In New Zealand it is rather famous for its anti-inflammatory properties and is used to counter joint stiffness, aches, and pains. Like fish oil, the green lipped mussel is rich in omega 3's.

In summary, the root causes of joint aches are usually inflammation that can mean the onset of some type of arthritic condition. Increasing your dietary intake of natural anti-inflammatory substances may help counter these aches and also may improve your overall health.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the common characteristic of arthritis is joint stiffness. This is the condition which is related with inactivity, decreased range or total loss of motion in a joint. If the patient is suffering from osteoarthritis then he or she may suffer from joint stiffness which may last up to 30 minutes after waking up.

In the condition of rheumatoid arthritis or systematic lupus erythematosus, which is of inflammatory types of arthritis, the stiffness typically lasts for more than 45 minutes. One of the causes of the joint pain may be bursitis also. The bursae allow the muscles and the tendons to move freely over the bone as it is a fluid filled sacs which cushion and pad bony prominences.

Some of the important causes of joint stiffness are given below.

Joint stiffness is caused due to the inflammation in the synovium, which is the lining of the joint. The pain in the joint can be caused by different types of injuries or conditions. Whatever may be the cause of the joint, joint pain and stiffness can be bothersome.

Stiffness and the pain in the joint can also be caused by an autoimmune disorder, Rheumatoid arthritis. Due to osteoarthritis, there is a growth of bone spurs and degeneration of cartilage at a joint. This type of joint pain is very common in adults older than 45 which results into the pain of the joint.

Some of the important causes of joint pain are hepatitis, influenza, rheumatic fever, rubella, varicella, infectious disease, bursitis, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, mumps, injury, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, unusual exertion or overuse, which includes sprains or strains.

For treating the problem of joint stiffness there are many processes. Exercise helps in improving the condition of joint stiffness. Regular doing exercises helps in improving the health and fitness of the patient without hurting the joints. With the help of exercise -

1. Weight is controlled
2. Muscles are strengthened around the joints
3. Maintains the strength in the bone
4. Make it easier to get a good night's sleep
5. Make you feel better.

Cold and heat treatment is also beneficial in lessening the pain and the joint stiffness. With the help of cold treatment, swelling is reduced and it also relaxes the excited nerves and with the help of heat treatment, blood circulation is enhanced. Sometimes pain medicines also reduces the joint stiffness. Now people also prefer to go for herbal medicines to reduce the stiffness in the joint.

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There are many types of arthritis but here in this article we have listed some of its common types. Depending upon the nature of cause, arthritis may be divided in to the following types

1. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common and chronic form of arthritis. It occurs when the body's own immune system attacks the synovium or cell lining inside joint. Therefore this form of arthritis is often grouped as an autoimmune disease. Rheumatoid arthritis if not diagnosed in time, may lead to total loss of joint function and permanent disability. It also shortens life expectancy.

2. Osteoarthritis is caused by the degeneration of joint cartilages. Generally the weight bearing areas like knee, hips, spine, and base of feet are invaded by this type of arthritis. It is the most common form of arthritis affecting elderly population.

3. Gout is another common form of arthritis caused due to accumulation or deposition of MSU or monosodium urate crystals at the joints.

4. Reactive arthritis is a form that occurs as an aftermath of infections like intestinal or genitourinary infections. Young adults are usually attacked by this type.

5. Ankylosing spondylitis is characterized by low back pain. This type usually attacks the spine and sacroiliac joints.

6. Psoriatic arthritis is often associated with psoriasis. It is an inflammatory form and may lead to serious conditions.

7. Fibromyalgia is a soft tissue arthritis caused due to defective functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain.

8. Polymyositis is a systemic condition affecting not only muscle around joints but also heart and lung muscles.

9. Pseudogout also occurs due to crystal deposition around joints. In case of pseudogout, the deposition of calcium pyrophosphate or hydroxyapatite occurs.

10. Polymyalgia rheumatica affects the hip, shoulder and neck regions, causing severe stiffness and pain. People over the age of 50 fall prey to this type of arthritis.

11. Lyme disease occurs due to infection by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted through deer tick bite.

12. Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease affecting woman during pregnancy. It may attack different internal organs.

Natural Remedies for Arthritis and Joint Pain

1. Hot vinegar massage can relieve joint aches.

2. Rubbing aching joints with warm olive oil also yields good results.

3. Essential oils like that of juniper, cypress and lemon have tissue cleansing properties, and can improve circulation of blood around joints.

4. Massaging aching joints with camphor mixed mustard oil can be of help.

5. Dandelion leaf extracts can increase urine output with its diuretic properties. Thus it can minimize arthritis symptoms.

6. Rubbing affected area with fresh potato juice diluted with water on the ratio 50:50 can help a lot.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Gout is a certain type of arthritis. Tenderness in the joints, swelling, redness, sudden and intense pain and heat are some of the indications of gout. This type of arthritis is usually affecting the big joint in the big toe, although the symptoms may also take place in your wrists, hands, knees and feet. The attacks usually last for about 5 to 10 days.

Alternative treatment approaches such as home remedies for gout are widely common among individuals with gout. If these home remedies for gout are employed, they must compliment and not serve as a replacement for traditional gout care.

The most effective home remedies for gout are those old-fashioned methods that our grandparents once employed. To relieve suffering from gout pain, the old timers had to utilize some products that were readily available in their homes. These home remedies for gout went out of vogue as scientific experts and medical scientists touted new forms of relief for this old medical issue.

The following are some home remedies for gout that are commonly used:

1. Application of a cold compress to the affected area - in order to lessen the pain, applying a cold compress directly to the area affected has always been the first line of treatment in the majority of households. Applying ice packs to the swollen and inflamed joints for about 10 to 15 minutes should do the trick. The application of cold packs will tend to lessen the inflammation and pain. This could feel a little uncomfortable during the first few minutes although you have to be persistent. The soreness caused by gout tends to get worse when there is the feeling of something against the skin.

2. To help alleviate the soreness due to gout, you may take ibuprofen.

3. Exercise your joints by placing each of them through a wide range of movement. Try performing this activity once or twice in a day.

4. Immerse your feet in an Epsom foot bath if the soreness is concentrated on your big toe. Epsom salt is a staple in most households. It is widely used for almost everything from laxative to water baths for soothing out painful muscles. Epsom salt contains the mineral magnesium. When present in high levels, magnesium may enhance your blood and heart circulation as well as lessen your blood pressure. Magnesium will also assist in flushing out the dangerous toxins and heavy metals away from your system.

The great thing about the aforementioned home remedies for gout is that many of these items we keep in our home. Gout needs to be treated as quickly as possible. The longer it is left untreated the worse the symptoms can become.

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No one likes to deal with pain, no matter what causes it. Dealing with fleeting or chronic arthritis pain can be frustrating, annoying, and endless. Inflamed joints cause arthritis, and there are over one hundred different kinds of arthritis. Some people suffer from arthritis pain more in cold weather than warm, but such is not always the case. Tissues involved in arthritis, from bone to tendon to ligaments and muscles, all feel the pain.

More than 40 million Americans alone suffer from the pain of various types of arthritis, and not all of them are older adults. Children and teenagers are also afflicted with arthritis pain, and it hits both genders equally. Pain can be mild, or throbbing in its intensity.

The sensation of pain may be felt differently from the fingers than it is felt in the knee, or another place in your body where body tissues connect to provide movable parts. Some people suffer from arthritis pain in the extremities, though many others also suffer arthritic pain in the spine as well as the hips.

The two most familiar types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and in both cases, your body will most certainly let you know if something is different or wrong when it comes to your joints. The pain is caused by various sources, though swelling in any given joint area causes most arthritis pain, as well as the extent of damage to bones and joints caused by osteoarthritis. Everyone reacts to pain differently, just as different people have different pain thresholds.

Determining whether a pain is mild or severe is often left to the person feeling it. Such, cannot be measured due to the fact that many people feel and experience pain in different ways and severities. Pain may be described as mild, aching, radiating, throbbing or piercing.

Many times, people dealing with chronic arthritis pain grow tearful and frustrated with the constant and aching throb of pain in various joints, and medications to help relieve such pain are often prescribed. Many people rely on over the counter products such as an anti-inflammatory, though others need more pain relief than is offered through such remedies.

Many people use heat or cold compresses to ease arthritis pain, while others try massage or acupuncture. No matter which method you use to help provide relief from pain, always make sure that you notify your doctor of any herbs or supplements that may have an adverse reaction to anything he or she has prescribed for your pain.

Learning to live with pain is often a necessary aspect to the lives of many who have been diagnosed with any form of arthritis. Understanding what causes pain and ways to prevent or reduce it is one of the first steps to living with arthritis. What works for someone else might not work for you, so be willing to experiment and try options that will help you with your type of arthritis. Arthritis pain is a pain, but it can be dealt with, through proper teaching, exercise, medication and determination.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis is a very painful condition, but some types of arthritis will hurt more than others. Most types of arthritis are related to a specific source of pain. Some come from swelling of the joints in the knees and hands. These are, in fact, the most common areas affected by arthritis. Other arthritis pain can be caused by tiredness, or inflammation of the membranes surrounding the joints, tendons, and ligaments. The people who suffer the worst are those that have multiple forms of arthritis. Two of the most common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, and it affects millions of Americans as well as others around the world. Osteoarthritis is very painful and can be debilitating for all of these people. Rheumatoid arthritis is slightly less common, but is even more painful than osteoarthritis. If you have both of these forms of arthritis, you are most likely living in constant pain. The pain from these two forms of arthritis can be very intense and difficult to alleviate. Doctors who treat patients suffering from arthritis pain will try to determine which particular types of arthritis the patient has. This allows them to better prescribe treatment or medications to deal with the pain.

It is obvious that because there are different types of arthritis, there must also be different remedies. Doctors will work with patients to try and diagnose the specific form of arthritis they have because different painkillers or treatment regimens will target different areas or different forms of arthritis. There are many treatment options available, and some will work better on inflammation, for example, while some will better treat fatigue related symptoms.

Doctors must also consider the pain level of the arthritis patient. Those who have slight pain from aching joints may be able to get by with an over-the-counter painkiller like Tylenol or Excedrin. They may not even need to be on medication all the time, but can take it only when the pain becomes less bearable.

When the arthritis is more severe, and the pain is more intense, the doctor may prescribe cortisone injections directly into the affected joints. This can be a great way to alleviate pain in those joints. Other remedies may include prescription of a strong narcotic drug to help the person deal with the pain.

Pain management clinics are springing up for people who have had trouble finding the right remedy for their arthritis pain. The staff in these clinics specialize in managing pain. Notice that I said "managing" pain, not alleviating it. The pain clinic personnel will explain to their patients that there is no permanent cure for arthritis, and that they need to manage the pain. Pain clinics are able to test and examine their patients to find the perfect relief for their arthritis pain. They do not generally drug the patients so severely that they cannot function.

Arthritis can be a painful and debilitating condition, but the methods of dealing with the pain, and the remedies to alleviate it are constantly improving. If you suffer with arthritis pain, you'll be pleased with the advances of modern science in this area.

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Arthritis isn't only associated with age. A dog that has sustained an injury at one point in time might develop arthritis in that particular part of his body well before he's considered to be an elderly dog. Improper nutrition has also been known to cause arthritis, due to bones that are misshapen from not having enough nutrients to form properly. The majority of the cases of arthritis in dogs are due to joints that have worn out over time, yet the information listed below could easily aid a dog who is suffering from any type of arthritis.

Anti-inflammatory Meds:Human anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen aren't the best suited kinds to give a dog. Both of these are known to cause stomach problems in both humans and animals. Three types of anti-inflammatory meds that are suitable for dogs are meloxicam, etodolac, and carprofen. Each of these can be purchased through your vet once he takes a look at your dog and determines that these would ease your pets pain.

Cortisone Shots:Dogs can build up a tolerance to anti-inflammatory medications just as humans can. When it seems that your pets arthritis is getting the best of him and the medications are no longer easing his pain, then your vet might suggest administering cortisone shots as well. Cortisone-type drugs are in the steroid family with the most common two used for dogs being prednisolone and prednisone. The shots tend to greatly ease arthritic pain by reducing inflammation, but they do have some side effects as well. The list of side effects includes; fluid retention, an increase in thirst and appetite, and liver enlargement.

Fatty Acids:Inflammation triggers the progression of arthritis, so being able to reduce it will greatly benefit your pup.

Special Special blends of dog food have been manufacture to include an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. These usually include an addition of omega-3 fatty acids or the main component is a type of cold water fish. Instead of changing your dog's diet in this manner, another alternative is to apply this beneficial fatty acid directly to your pets current food. Capsules of omega-3 can be purchased at health food stores, super markets, and a number of other stores. They are relatively easy to come by. All you have to do is cut the ends off of a couple of capsules and pour the contents over your dog's food.

Besides administering daily medication and applying supplements to his food, make sure your dog doesn't have to struggle to maneuver around the house. Place his bed in a location that is easy to get to and that he's able to climb in and out of without difficulty. Eliminate the use of stairs if possible as well.

Check your dog for arthritis as soon as you notice signs of him having difficulty getting around. Struggling to stand up, going up stairs slowly, stumbling, or yelping when performing any of these movements should be an obvious reason to see your vet immediately.

Even of your dog isn't very old; arthritis can still be an issue. Arthritis in dogs generally doesn't occur overnight. Monitoring your dog's movements can help you be able to get an early diagnosis and have your dog on the road to leading a pain-free life for as long as possible.

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What are my chances of developing arthritis in my knees?

Your chances of developing arthritis overall are fairly high. Osteoarthritis affects approximately one in 6 adults at right around 50 million people. If you are a woman, your chances are slightly higher than men for developing arthritis. But overall the chances are approximately 15 to 20%.

What are the different types of arthritis?

The most common type of arthritis by far is osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative joint disease that comes on from wear and tear from normal activities. It is due to cartilage that normally covers the ends of our bones deteriorating. This causes pain and loss of range of motion as bone begins to rub against bone when the cartilage is gone.

Additional types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune disease, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile arthritis, lupus, and some people include scleroderma and fibromyalgia as types of arthritis.

Who is most commonly affected with arthritis?

As mentioned arthritis afflicts more women than it does men. There are so many types of arthritis identified, it affects people in all age groups including children to the tune of 300,000. Most commonly at risk are those termed "baby boomers". Over half of those afflicted with arthritis are under the age of 65.

What treatments are available for arthritis?

The treatments for arthritis will depend first of all what kind of problem the patient has. If it's an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis then there are various medications such as methotrexate or low-dose steroids that may be effective. The same is true for lupus which is another autoimmune disorder with treatments by a rheumatologist often being extremely effective. When a person has gout there are medications to help counteract the situation and to help prevent it from coming back. The medications prescribed for gout will vary depending on which type the patient has.

The most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis, has multiple levels of treatments available. The first would include activity avoidance, which means that if a certain activity flares up arthritis pain it should be avoided. Secondly, there are medications that can help a lot such as anti-inflammatory medications and Tylenol. These should always be taken according to the manufacturers recommendations. Injections of steroid medication can help significantly in osteoarthritis along with the other types as well including rheumatoid arthritis.

There is an additional type of injection frost urethritis which consists of hyaluronic acid injections. These help replace the lubricating joint fluid and can promote the body to make more. There are also some nutritional supplements called glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate which can help protect cartilage and also promote the body to make a little bit more.

At what point do I need surgery for my arthritis condition?

Arthritis is not a fatal condition. Therefore, having surgery for arthritis is a quality of life decision and should be considered a last resort. Only the patient him or herself can know just how bothersome the arthritis is. Therefore, after substantial nonoperative treatment has been tried, it can only be up to the patient to decide just how much pain they are in, how much pain they can tolerate, and whether surgery is right at that point in time.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis in dogs is a painful, progressive and degenerative disease causing inflammation of a joint which can inhibit movement. More properly called osteoarthritis, although there are other types of arthritis, this is the most common, the most easily treated and is the focus of this article.

The cause of canine arthritis in most cases is the simple wear and tear to bones and joints over time. Arthritis often occurs at a point of pervious injury or when there is a history of infection such as lyme disease.

Osteoarthritis mainly occurs in older dogs over the age of 7 years and is more widely seen in larger breeds, such a German Shepherds, Labradors and Golden Retrievers. Overweight dogs are also more likely to suffer from arthritis. In young dogs it may be caused by failure of proper bone development.

Arthritis in dogs is frequently accompanied by hip dysplasia. Together these two ailments can seriously impair your dog's mobility and quality of life.

Symptoms are subtle to start with such as decreased interest in activity or lagging behind on walks and progress to more obvious ones:

  • difficulty getting up and down

  • reluctance to run, jump, or climb stairs

  • stiff, sore or swollen joints

  • limping

  • sensitivity to cold

  • behavioral changes such as aggression, withdrawal or irritability

Treatment - while there is no way to reverse the problem at present, arthritis can be treated with medications or less often, hip-replacement and other types of joint surgery. Most dogs will improve with anti-inflammatory medications which can reduce the pain and swelling of damaged joints caused by osteoarthritis and increase mobility. Be aware; however, of possible side effects involving the digestive system, kidneys, or liver.

When it comes to treatment of arthritis in dogs, many pet owners and veterinarians take an integrative approach, combining prescription medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with supplements and alternative treatments such as acupuncture. Some of the more popular and sometimes effective supplements are glucosamine, chondroitin, msm, ester-c, and hyaluronic acid. Many dog owners have reported positive outcomes using these natural supplements.

Weight loss can help relieve stress on joints. Older large-breed dogs tend to be overweight. This discourages them from getting the exercise they need and may aggravate their arthritis. The more weight on those poor old joints, the harder it is to move around.

Prevention is one of the kindest and most effective measures you can take. Keeping your dog in shape through regular exercise and proper nutrition for optimal health is your best line of defense against this painful disease, as well as your best approach after your dog has been diagnosed. Another key is to maintain proper weight and limit snacks and foods that can aggravate inflammation.

Much can be done to make arthritic dogs more comfortable and improve their lives.

  • prevent stressing weak painful joints or falling down - place gates across stairs

  • elevate food and water dishes

  • portable ramps or steps - for home and vehicle

  • rubber place mat to stabilize food and water dishes that slip on bare floors while your dog is eating

  • cushion joints - orthopedic dog beds at least four inches thick

The bottom line is arthritis in dogs needs veterinary care. If you suspect your best buddy has arthritis, follow the advice of your veterinarian.

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Joint pain and headaches can be caused by countless things, including diseases such as arthritis, but obviously I can't cover each individual one in a single article. Seeing that I've already written several articles about different types of arthritis, I'll focus on TMJ (The Temporomandibular Joint) disorders instead this time.

As with other similar disorders, TMJ disorders can be difficult to diagnose, and equally as difficult to treat. A patient suffering from one of these disorders often has to undergo several tests, including things like MRI scans and etc.

So, what is the temporomandular joint? The temporomandular joint is a ball and socket type joint situated on either side of your face. They are the joints which connect your upper and lower jaws to each other, and are considered being the most used joints in the human body. Apart from all the regular movement, such as when you open or close your mouth, the joints are also subjected to a great deal of pressure whenever we chew our food.

Supporting these joints are a complex arrangement of muscles, ligaments, and bones, so when something goes wrong with one or both joints, it's quite often accompanied by muscle pain and headaches.

TMJ disorders can, as previously mentioned, be caused by several things. With that having been said, the most common causes are physical trauma, teeth grinding, gum chewing, and of course misaligned teeth.

People with one or more TMJ disorders often feel a clicking sensation when they open their mouth, and particularly when they yawn. They can also have difficulty chewing, or biting down on hard foods. Many sufferers also end up with regular headaches, and approximately 33% of sufferers experience tinnitus, in either one or both ears. Fortunately, surgery is usually only necessary in extreme cases, such as when ligaments need to be tightened.

In the vast majority of cases, patients are advised to rest their jaws as much as possible. This includes eating soft foods as opposed to hard crunchy foods. The next form of treatment a doctor is likely to recommend is heat and ice therapy. Doctors may also recommend that you take anti-inflammatory medication. Of course since I prefer to stick with all-natural remedies whenever possible, I'd most likely opt for a natural anti-inflammatory such as New Zealand green lipped mussel extract.

If teeth grinding is thought to be the cause, a patient might be instructed to use a special type of mouth guard designed specifically to stop one from grinding one's teeth. On the other hand, if misaligned teeth are the root cause, dental work might be necessary.

As mentioned earlier, there are several health problems which can lead to joint pain and headaches, so if this is something you're experiencing, then it is best that you see a doctor so that a proper diagnosis can be made.

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Arthritis owes its origin to the Greek words - "arthron" and "itis". It is a compound word for several other arthritic conditions. There are presently lots of these conditions or factors relating to causes of arthritis.

There are different types of arthritis with its own peculiar symptoms and treatment. Presently there are over lots of types of arthritis. Let me just highlight the common ones for you.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: This type of arthritis is not restricted to any particular age. It can happen to you at any age. The causes are yet to be discovered. Among the different types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is the most devastating as it can cause severe deformities of the joints coupled with general weakness of the entire body. Rheumatoid arthritic patients usually suffer from problems such as hammer toes, claw toes and several others that can truncate the normal lifestyle of an individual.

Osteoarthritis: This is the most common of the types of arthritis. It has been discovered to be the cause of severe strain and the wearing away of the cartilage in the joints of the foot. Consequently, movement of the patient is hampered and very painful. The pain could worsen when walking or standing.

Gout: This type of arthritis is associated with foot complications. It affects the big toe most of the time. The big toe is mostly affected because of the stress and pressure it experiences while walking or when doing other weight bearing activities. This is why there is so much pain in the big toe. Gout arthritis is mostly common among the men than the women.

Juvenile arthritis: Unfortunately, children are not left out of this deadly disease known as arthritis. Juvenile arthritis affects mostly children before the age of sixteen, which is why it is called Juvenile arthritis. This disease could occur as early as six weeks of age. It is very common among the girls than the boys.

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Even if you haven't exercised arthritis personally, you know it's painful, right? Well, your beloved pets can experience arthritis as well. And you might be surprised at how many types of arthritis they can suffer from. Here are some of the different types:

1. Inflammatory Arthritis
Typically as this type of Arthritis advances in a canine or feline, Osteoarthritis-type conditions happen more often. Besides contagious agents causing this type of Arthritis, experts are uncertain about the other causes.

2. Infectious Arthritis
This type of arthritis results in painful joints and the creature becoming crippled. Usually a joint's infection or trauma causes this type of Arthritis. Antibiotics are the best treatment for this illness.

3. Osteoarthritis
This type of pet arthritis advances slowly. It occurs as the cartilage of your canine or feline buddy begins to break down or becomes damaged. Results are inflammation, lower flexibility, and less mobility.

4. Osteochondrosis
When your beloved dog or cat acquires this type of pet arthritis, the state of the cartilage declines, creating a condition that is similar to Osteoarthritis. The result is that tissue in the joint becomes inflamed and painful. Experts believe that both genes and nutrition could influence an animal acquiring this type of Arthritis.

5. Rheumatoid Arthritis
The immune system of your animal attacks the joints, which can impact multiple joints simultaneously. This results in less mobility and inflammation.

6. Traumatic Arthritis
This type of pet arthritis involves any arthritis that results from trauma impacting the joints. Traumatic Arthritis is typically acute and oftentimes leads to Osteoarthritis.

If your dog or cat is suffering from any of these types of arthritis, then relieve his or her pain with Pet Bounce. This all-natural product will help to ease the symptoms that your pet is suffering from. Help to put the bounce back in your animal's life!

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One of the most exciting areas in medicine now involves the potential use of stem cells to treat degenerative disease such as arthritis.

This article will discuss the various types of stem cells and what they are used for.

The stem cell (SC) that occurs in the earliest phase of life is called the embryonic SC. This type of SC is omnipotent or pluripotent, depending on how you want to look at it. Basically, at this stage, the SC can become any type of tissue. While attractive, embryonic SCs have proven to be an elusive research tool.

Ethical concerns have limited their use and there is also the risk of malignancy since these cells have unlimited differentiating potential.

As the organism matures, other types of SCs develop. These SCs do not have the ability to differentiate like embryonic SCs. These have what are called multipotent powers. They can be coaxed into becoming specific types of tissue or organ systems but cannot become any type of tissue. In other words, their potential is restricted to certain categories. They pretty much are limited to make cell types of the tissue that they come from.

An example might be an adult liver-derived SC. This could make more liver tissue but could not make a blood cell. A nerve derived SC could become a brain cell but probably not kidney tissue.

Current clinical applications of adult SCs are typically tissue specific. Examples would be blood-derived SCs for the treatment of blood disorders or following chemotherapy, skin SCs to help with skin grafting, and eye-derived SCs to treat diseases of the cornea.

Adult SCs are primarily responsible for tissue repair. They replace dead or dying cells and are attracted to areas of injury.

The bone marrow is a large repository of adult SCs. These cells are often referred to as "mesenchymal SCs." What is exciting about this reservoir of SCs is that are capable of becoming connective tissue. This property is valuable in the treatment of disorders such as tendon and ligament damage as well as with arthritis.

Another type of SC is the fetal SC. Since a fetus has matured well beyond the embryonic stage, the SCs from a fetus behave like an "adult" SC in that they are tissue specific.

SCs are found in abundance in the umbilical cord at birth. These umbilical cord blood SCs are often used to treat diseases of the blood and also are used to help patients regenerate blood cells destroyed by chemotherapy.

Japanese researchers reported a fantastic breakthrough in 2006. They were able to take adult mouse skin cells and by using four viruses to transport material from one nucleus to another, created a cell that worked like an embryonic SC. In other words, they took an adult cell and made it into a cell that behaved for all true purposes like an embryonic SC. This type of cell is called an induced pluripotential SC. Over the years, it's become evident that induced pluripotential SCs don't behave exactly like embryonic SCs.

However, they have proven useful for research purposes. Using these SCs, scientists will be able to study diseases and test new drugs more efficiently. They are not yet ready to be used in a human clinical setting.

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The dangers of high uric acid levels which may have a
disastrous effect on the body has led nutritionist and
alternative medical professionals to seek a cure for gout.
Gout is one type of arthritis that can be treated without the
use of harsh dangerous drugs.

Some of the natural remedies available have no side effects and
are part of a healthy diet regiment. These natural cures for
gout use nature's bounty as a defense against the painful
suffering the gout presents.

Some homeopathic and naturopathic practitioners pursue the idea
that it is the toxicity level in the body that is the of all types
of arthritis. With gout, the high levels of uric acids prompt the
body to attack itself. These practitioners also contend that therapeutic
nutrition can benefit the sufferer of gout and those who suffer with other
types of arthritis.

Toxin accumulation in may be interrelated with other diseases including
digestive Disorders, high Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Obesity, Gout and other
degenerative diseases. The high uric acids in the joints of gout sufferers
increase the risk of heart and circulatory problems. The crippling pain of
gout only get worse if left untreated.

Stimulating the immune system to its natural state is the first step toward a
cure for gout. The body needs to detoxify itself with a colon cleanse, juice
fast or vitamin and mineral supplementation. Natural remedies will reduce the
symptoms of gout. At the same time the remedies will deal with the cause of
the condition,

A colon cleanse will rid the body of impacted fecal matter, a few pounds
of filth and create a sense of well being all at the same time. Individuals
who perform an at home colon cleanse report strange types of matter that
is excreted from the body.

Sometimes there are years of accumulated matter trapped in the intestinal
walls that create a toxic environment within the total digestive system.

Some people introduce gout curing agents into their diets in the form of
a juice fast. Starting the fast by hydrating the body with 8-10 glasses
of water daily will dilute the uric acid. The second step in the juice fast
is to add gout curing foods to the diet.

Gout curing foods include:

*Pineapple is a natural way of getting bromelain.
Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory agent.

*Bing Cherries:

"Eating fresh bing cherries may help people who suffer from the
pain of gout or other forms of arthritic inflammation", states a research
paper from the Agricultural Research Service's Western Human Nutrition
Research Center in Davis, CA.

*Strawberries and blueberries have powerful ingredients that help in the
treatment of gout.

*Omega-3 acids fatty acid limits the production of uric acid and reduces
the inflammation and tissue damage. Essential fatty acids like tuna,
salmon, flaxseed, nuts and seeds are good foods that help to reduce
the uric acid in the joints

Adding lemon juice to water at room temperature and drinking after a
meal of fruits and vegetables will help with uric acid release and provide
relief from pain.

Foods to avoid include those high in purines

*Alcoholic beverages

*Anchovies, sardines in oil, fish roes, herring


*Organ meat (liver, kidneys, sweetbreads)

*Legumes (dried beans, peas)

*Red Meat

*Asparagus, cauliflower

The result is that these treatments are more successful in helping gout
pain than some of the traditional medical solution that involves harmful
drugs with negative side effects.

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There are four common knee problems, from arthritis to "road rash." Three of them require a doctor's diagnosis. The fourth, the scraped knee, may need to be checked out, especially if the person who has the scrape is older. Here are some explanations and tips to help you deal with them.

1) Arthritis: There are several types of arthritis that can affect your knee, but osteoarthritis is one of the most common. This can be the result of thinning bones or just the wear and tear that comes with advanced years.

It's important to find out which type of arthritis you have, as some of the treatments are different. Medications can reduce any swelling and help with the pain. Hot wet wraps can also be beneficial, and there are many different over the counter pain relievers. If you choose capsaicin based medications, test it on a small area of skin first. If you're skin is sensitive, it may cause burn blisters.

2) Torn Ligaments/Tendons: These are also very common, particularly if you are involved in sports. Sometimes these injuries can heal on their own, with proper care. At other times, you may require knee surgery to repair the joint. For home treatment, your doctor may recommend RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevation. These can help reduce the pain and heal the injury.

3) Broken Patella: I can tell you from personal experience that this is not an easy injury to deal with. It is likely to mean at least one surgery, possibly more. You'll have to walk on it some, usually with crutches or a walker, as part of the healing process. However, the home care rules are similar. Rest, icing, compression and elevation will be needed.

4) Scraped Knee: Most kids will fall and scrape their knees several times over the course of their childhood. Usually, this just means time and neosporin will heal it. However, particularly bad falls or a fall by someone over age 20 might need a trip to the doctor. Under that scrape could be a cracked or broken bone.

Knee injuries, even something minor such as a scrape, are unpleasant. They do remind us to take better care of them when we've healed. However, avoiding the problem is usually the best answer.

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If you suffer from the pains and discomfort of arthritis it may help you to know that one of the causes of this and other chronic diseases is the acidity in your system. This acidity is caused by a diet high in protein and processed foods. There are studies that show that the goji berry may have alkalizing properties, which means it will neutralize the acids in your body.

When treating my arthritis patients, I have recommended using arthritis remedies like goji berry juice and have seen great results. These natural arthritis remedies usually help the patient by reducing the inflammation and/or the acidity. The goji berry is believed to alleviate both.

Other natural arthritis remedies include Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These acids are found in cold water fish like salmon, herring, and sardines. You can also find Omega-3 Fatty Acids in some nuts or seeds, like flax seeds. Fatty acids like these are essential to the health and function of our bodies, but we can not produce them on our own, so it is important to include foods that contain them in our diets. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are used as a natural remedy for arthritis since they help to decrease inflammation.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids can be broken down into three types, ALA (a-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Your body benefits most from the EPA and DHA fatty acids. These acids specifically have shown in extensive research to reduce inflammation and the risk factors associated with other chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer as well as arthritis.

Unfortunately, Americans don't eat nearly enough Omega-3 containing foods. We typically eat only a fraction of the recommended amounts. It is recommended that Omega-3's take up 1/4 to 1/2 of our fat intake. Our diets are mostly filled with Omega-6 fatty acids, which are also essential, but can lead to inflammation, rather than prevent or reduce it, if eaten too much. Omega-6's are commonly found in safflower, sunflower, corn, sesame, walnut, and primrose oils.

If you have been looking for natural arthritis remedies then I recommend that you begin taking goji berry juice and a pure, pharmaceutical grade Omega-3 supplement. This will help to alleviate your inflammation. Make sure that your Omega-3 supplement has the right ratio of EPA and DHA in it. The recommended dosing for adults is 1-3 grams daily of EPA and DHA. You may have to wait 2-3 weeks to notice results but when you do, it will be worth the wait.

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