目前分類:arthritis symptoms (194)

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Gout is a disease due to an overabundance of uric acid (UA) in the body. Under normal circumstances, purines, which are natural constituents of many foods, are converted into UA, and then excreted.

With gout, UA is either produced in overabundance or the body has difficulty getting rid of it fast enough.

There are three stages of gout. The first is called asymptomatic hyperuricemia. What that means is that the body has too much UA on board. The UA level in the blood is high. But the patient has no symptoms. During this period, UA builds up in body tissues. The patient may or may not ever get gout symptoms. People who have this condition may have other medical problems such as elevated cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

If this condition lasts long enough, the patient will enter the phase of acute gout. This is when severe, painful attacks of gouty arthritis can develop. The attacks usually present in the ankles and feet. The pain is so severe the patient won't even be able to bear the weight of a bed sheet on top of the affected area. Once this acute attack goes away, the patient will remain symptom free until the next attack. The second attack and subsequent attacks may not occur for many months or even years.

The last stage of gout is advanced gout where acute flares occur with regularity. The time periods between acute attacks are no longer pain free. Accumulations of UA build up near the joints and under the skin. These are called tophi.

While these deposits may be evident because of their location, other deposits of UA in internal organs may not be so visible. But these invisible deposits are even more serious because they can lead to complications such as kidney failure.

The treatment of gout at each stage is not always straightforward. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is not always treated unless the blood UA level is exceedingly high.

Once an acute attack occurs, though, things change.

The goals of treatment are to relieve the symptoms of the acute attack but also to lower the UA burden in the body.

The acute attack is treated with either non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) or colchicine. In patients with kidney problems, sometimes steroids given orally or directly into the inflamed joint may be used in order to avoid the potential side effects of the anti-inflammatory drugs or colchicine.

In general, UA lowering drugs are not started during an acute attack because they make the attack worse.

Once the acute attack is successfully treated, the patient will then start UA lowering treatment with medication. They will also receive low doses of colchicine or anti-inflammatory medicines to act as prophylaxis against acute attacks that can develop during the first six months of UA lowering treatment. The aim is to keep the blood UA below 6.0 mg/dl.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis is an illness where millions of people are suffering from, there are many types of this disease and osteo arthritis is the most common form. Osteo Arthritis is found more common with older persons but it should be in no way be called as an old person disease. People who suffer from this type of arthritis often have tried many different pain relief drugs and treatments to reduce the long term effects of this degenerative disease. Some even had to have surgery to be relieved of severe pain.

What are the symptoms of Osteo Arthritis

This disease is not easy to diagnose the main symptoms are severe pain in the joints of knees, ankles and shoulders and also difficulty in moving these affected joints. Normally our joints are protected by cartilage with this disease the cartilage degrades slowly and because of this the bones from the joints will rub together causing severe pain. The joints are also lubricated by synovial fluids this makes the movement more free, when the body stops making these egg like fluids, it can quickening the degenerative process.

Usually when the diagnosis is finally made the process has already started to degenerate the joints. And once the process has begun there is no cure to reverse this process. There is no cure and there are no preventive measurements. There are many medications that where made to slow down the process but none of them can replace cartilage in the joints so the medications are definitely no cure.

Most of the different kinds of medication have severe side effects, this is a reason for many people who suffer from osteo arthritis to try alternative medicine and treatments to avoid this. Ginger root and gelatin are some of the most common alternative treatments it claims to help reduce pain and stiffness associated with this disease.

Until there is a real cure...

Osteo arthritis patients are waiting for more than two kinds of different medication and/or treatment:

- the first is acute pain relief without side effects like cause heartburn and gastrointestinal problems pain relief is most of the time the patients first concern

- second is a drug against the stiffness and the locking up from joints

- third is a treatment that can replace cartilage in the joints

- and also antiflammatory drugs without the severe side effects

When the cartilage is disappearing, the most simple functions like walking can be painful and doctors will often recommend the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. But as osteo arthritis patients you may also look for natural alternative pain relief treatments if this helps you to deal with the pain and stiffness associated with this disease.

In some cases of severe osteo arthritis surgery can help to reduce pain, sometimes replacing cartilage can be necessary and even joint replacement can be a solution if the joint is severely damaged. Joints who are fixed together with surgery is also become more common the last few years. Sometimes bone spurs not only cause debilitating pain but also speed up the process of damaging the cartilage in the joints.

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It is a common misconception that arthritis is only a disease of the elderly. The truth is children can also be affected by this health condition that causes chronic joint pain and inflammation. It could be helpful to know that over 285,000 American children suffer from arthritis.

Arthritis in children is commonly called "Juvenile Arthritis". People with this disease under the age of sixteen years are usually classified differently because it is more often different with adults. They experience different symptoms and generally have different diagnosis.Childhood arthritis has three main types, each affecting distinct joints of the body with individual signals of arthritis symptoms.

Polyarticular Disease

The Polyarticular type of juvenile arthritis presents infection of more than five joints of the body thus it is often called "disease of many joints." This is mostly similar to adult rheumatoid arthritis. Usually girls are more affected by this disease than boys. The joints are generally affected symmetrically or both sides, often the small ones in the hands.Symptoms of this disease are low grade fever, weight loss, anemia, and cases of growth problems. At times, children diagnosed with this type are prone to unceasing progressive destruction and damage of the joints.

Pauciarticular Disease

Unlike the first one above, Pauciarticular type of juvenile arthritis affects lesser number joints, thus it is commonly called "a disease of few joints." The most commonly affected body parts are the knees, elbows, wrists and ankles wherein the joints are stressed asymmetrically or one joint on one side. This is the most widespread type of juvenile arthritis with over 50% of children suffering with the disease. Girls are usually affected than boys.

Symptoms of this include low grade fever, poor appetite and anemia. Children with this type are also prone to an inflammatory eye condition, iridocyclitis. Good thing is they generally do well and can cope easily.

Systematic Disease

The systematic type of juvenile arthritis is the least common among the three and affects only 10% of children diagnosed with the disease. This type can affect internal organs and other parts of the body along with the joints.

Symptoms usually start with fevers that come and go, lasting for weeks or months. Skin rashes may also appear on the thighs and chest. Children can also show signs of anemia, fatigue, weight loss, enlargement of spleen and lymph nodes, heart burns and high count of white blood cell.

Juvenile arthritis, like the many other forms of the disease, should be met with proper diagnosis and adequate arthritis treatment. Above anyone else, children are supposed to be enjoying life to the fullest in active mobility.

For more information and tips about joint pain, arthritis symptoms, arthritis treatment, please visit http://www.ultimatejointmobility.com.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis means inflammation of joints. It irritates and destroys the joints. The major two types of arthritis are-

Osteoarthritis - It is degenerative disease of the joints in which the cartilage which provides padding becomes weak and gradually disappears causing pain and less mobility.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - It affects not only the joints but also muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body. It is due to an inflammation of the lining of the hands.

Thumb Arthritis - In this there is a structured change of cartilage in the joint, at the base of the thumb and the wrist, commonly known as the basal carp metacarpal joint. It is more common in women than men. It restricts the thumb to move in or out from the palm area. The persistent pain and stiffness may affect the whole body and the body may be trapped by osteoarthritis gradually.


1- Pain and stiffness
2- Swelling at the base of the thumb.
3- Difficulty in movements involving pinching or gripping.
4- Deformed or distorted shape
5- Tenderness at the base

Diagnosis - A doctor can diagnose this by a physical examination or an X-Ray. Further he may recommend:

1- Bone scans
2- CT Scans ( Computerized tomography)
3- MRI ( Magnetic resonance imaging)
4- Orthography

Cure- There is no permanent cure but measures can be taken to reduce the intensity of pain, swelling and stiffness. The treatment can be surgical as well as non surgical. These are:

1- Medication- Doctors may suggest acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin in order to reduce pain and inflammation.
2- Splints- Use of a splint gives support and proper positioning. It restricts movement which helps in reducing pain. These can be worn overnight or for the whole day.
3- Injections- In severe conditions, doctors recommend injecting cortisone.
4- Surgery- Surgery is the last option and it has been found that 80 - 90% proves to be successful and patients get relief from pain and inflammation. The different options available in surgery are:

1- Replacement of the affected part with a metal or plastic component.
2- Fusion of bone and joint together.
3- Bone arching in case of deformity of bone.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This is another case for candidiasis, it is about arthritis and candida die off. Many people ask me whether arthritis could be one of die off symptoms. There is a case where this friend of mine, her arthritis gets worse than normal since she started anti-fungals a month ago. She wonders if it is the die off. So for you who the same or similar case, this article can be taken as a rough idea.

For arthritis, specifically, it is necessary to eliminate all sugars of any kind, and artificial sweeteners, such as Sweet N Low (saccharin) and Equal or Nutrasweet (aspartame). Alternatively stevia can be used. Be sure to read the food ingredients of any packaged foods you use, to make sure that there is no kind of sugar by any name in there.

Eliminate any and all wheat products. Read ingredients labels of packaged foods. And yes, this includes bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, crackers, Wing-Dings, Ho-Hos, Devil Dogs, as well as any packaged seasoning products or food mixes. Also eliminate totally the nightshade vegetables, such as tomato, green pepper, eggplant, white potato. I would also recommend eliminating any and all dairy products of any kind.

Take 3 tablespoonsful of flax oil daily. If you choose the 1,000 mg capsules, that is 14 caps = 1 tablespoon (not very cost-effective or easy to do) This can also be achieved by taking 3 tablespoonsful of ground-up flax seed per meal (3 meals) which will fetch you not only the oil, but also a daily total of 27 g of fiber, which is also important to the arthritic person.

You can put the flax seed oil in a protein shake, on a salad, drizzle it on vegetables, etc. Do not cook it - cooking destroys the Omega 3 fats, which is what you want from the oil.

Some of my friends have mixed it into herbal tea. If your flax seed oil tastes nasty, it is rancid. Get it in a health food store with a high turnover. You should find it in the refrigerator section. Keep it in your refrigerator. If you choose to use flax seed, grind it in a coffee mill, or in your blender (dry), then mix it in a protein shake, or sprinkle it on food, vegetables, salads, anything that occurs to you.

It has a nutty flavor. If you grind it in advance, keep it in the freezer - it goes rancid quickly. You need to grind the flax seed because chewing it will not grind it up enough for you to get the benefit of the oil.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans. It is a condition that affects hyaline articular cartilage, the tough gristle that caps the ends of long bones.

Hyaline cartilage consists of a matrix made up of a combination of proteoglycans (complexes of proteins and sugars) and chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cartilage cells that manufacture matrix under normal circumstances. They are responsible for nourishing the matrix as well.

However, when OA develops, a distinct change in the milieu of the joint environment occurs. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes causing cracks in the cartilage, the synovium (lining of the joint) becomes inflamed, and the underlying bone becomes hard and forms spurs.

What causes OA to develop is usually injury or trauma. In any event an injury to the joint appears to be the inciting factor. Genetics play a role as well.

The treatment of osteoarthritis usually begins with non-drug therapies such as weight loss, patient education, exercise and physical therapy.

Medications do play a major role in the management of symptoms related to OA.

Acetaminophen is usually recommended as the first line treatment for OA. While it's more effective than placebo, it is less effective than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Acetaminophen is used much more commonly than NSAIDS. Recent data has shown that its effect on pain from OA is not that great and the long term consequences of acetaminophen usage are not inconsequential. Potential side effects from long term use include kidney damage, hypertension, and possibly stroke. In addition, it is the most common cause of drug-induced liver failure in the United States.

NSAIDS are more effective than acetaminophen for pain control in OA. They are divided into two groups: NSAIDS that are non-selective in regards to cyclooxygenase (the major enzyme pathway that is blocked by these drugs) and selective COX-2 inhibitors (drugs which block the inflammatory cyclooxygenase pathway only).

The COX-2 drugs have a better profile as far as gastrointestinal side effects but both types of NSAIDS carry an increased risk of cardiovascular events.

Topical formulations of NSAIDS containing diclofenac are effective for patients with a limited area of OA. They have a much better gastrointestinal risk profile than oral NSAIDS but do have more dermatological problems associated with their use.

Injections are also helpful. Glucocorticoids are effective for treating pain short term and there is evidence that they also help restore quadriceps muscle (thigh muscle) strength in patients with OA. They should not be administered more often than three times per year per affected joint because of the danger of inducing further cartilage damage.

Injections of hyaluronates, lubricants that reduce OA pain, are also helpful. These are particularly useful in those patients for whom joint replacement surgery is not a viable option.

Another drug is duloxetine (Cymbalta). This was initially approved as a treatment for depression. However, it also has analgesic properties and was approved by the FDA for treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain related to OA. This drug can be used either alone or in combination with acetaminophen or NSIADS. The side effects are those found typically with antidepressant therapy.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What happens if you don't pay attention to the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms that you feel? It doesn't matter how old you are or what you have going on in your life. Paying attention to the problem at hand, which has to do with your health, is incredibly important. If you don't take care of your arthritis pain, you could find yourself unable to do the things that you are worrying so much about right now. Do you know what the symptoms of arthritis are? If so, you should also know why its important to listen to your body so that the worst of the complications from the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms you face can be avoided.

What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are in fact fairly simple. For starters, you are likely to feel pain. The pain is likely to be in joints throughout your body. The most common places for this pain to be in is the smaller joints in your body including your fingers and feet, but it can be felt anywhere. You are also likely to feel aching in those joints from movement. For some, moving your joint after it has been sitting for a few minutes will cause soreness and pain.

In addition to those symptoms, you are likely to experience swelling in the joints which is caused by the inflammation there. The amount of swelling and pain that you have is an indication of just how severe your condition is. Those that have extreme levels of pain are often facing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms that are advanced. That can lead to a very urgent need to seek out help. When the symptoms progress, you may have loss of range of motion in that joint that may lead to deformity. You may notice this in knuckles that are no longer aligned or in swollen knees.

The Complications That You Face

As your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms progress, you are likely to see increased amounts of pain and discomfort. The stiffness that you feel can also lead to fatigue in the muscles of that area of your body, which can ultimately limit the use that you can use them for. In addition, some patients end up facing depression from the loss of quality of life that they are used to. But, they don't stop there. Many patients with rheumatoid arthritis can also develop osteoporosis and some may develop a heart condition that some believe is caused by the arthritis itself. They believe that the inflammation of your joints can cause your arteries and the tissue of your heart to become affected.

Probably the last part of the process of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms is that you will find yourself unable to use that joint any longer because the pain and deformity has removed that from you. For some, that means being in a wheelchair and for others that means a treatment like joint replacement. In either case, there are risks that can be important to consider. But, if you listen to your body and get the help you need for the arthritis that you feel, you can severely slow the progression of the condition and even restore some of the motion you need.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you have any form of arthritis, I'm sure you've considered using lots of different options to ease your arthritis pain. Ayurveda is an ancient healing art that has been practiced in India for centuries and has naturally also been used for arthritis treatment.

Mukul Myrrh is a small, thorny plant which is common in India and guggul comes from the yellow-colored resin produced by the stem of the plant. Guggul is one of the most used herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. It is because it has amazing properties - it is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and is an immune enhancer. It is used for joint pain, arthritis and sciatica, among others.

This is not all, this wonder herb can reduce existing plaque in arteries and improve the body's metabolic rate (therefore the fat burning activity) and improves the function of the thyroid. It also helps lower cholesterol. It decreases the platelet 'stickiness' in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. This is why it is one of the best herbs used in Ayurveda to treat obesity and related disorders. This herb, however, should not be used during pregnancy as it promotes menstrual discharge and is a uterine stimulant.

Another Ayurvedic herb (well it's a combination of 3) is Triphala and this is a good thing to take as well when you are using guggul as this supports the herb gugul and also helps to detox your body.

As arthritis thrives in an acid environment (which is why acid forming nutrition is counter-productive - coffee, for example), it is important to rid your body of unwanted toxins and then add foods to your diet that are alkaline forming. This includes lots of vegetables and most fruit. Cut down on meat, coffee and alcohol. Smoking is very acid forming and should also be avoided.

You can also do research online to find out more information why Ayurveda can be a great help with arthritis treatment.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is estimated that over 30 million people suffer from arthritis each year. Arthritis is a painful condition that can affect your joints and the ability to use them. Many with severe joint pain find that it prohibits them from doing the activities they love and confines many to relying on stair lifts and hand rails just to move from one room in their home to another.

While there are many treatments available for this condition, medical research has yet to find a definite and effective cure that reverses the symptoms - most treatments are focused mainly on pain relief medications or taking supplements that can help with rebuilding cartilage. For this reason it is not surprising that some may be interested in learning how marijuana, a natural narcotic derived from the cannabis plant can be used in treating their pain.

There has been a lot of controversy over the use of this plant for treating illness and disease as well as its recreational use which can be habit forming and potentially detrimental effects. Marijuana is also illegal to use in many parts of the world, making it difficult to obtain and putting anyone at risk who uses it for legal punishment which can include fines and jail sentencing.

Limited research has been done to learn the effects of using the drug in treating joint conditions and as an alternative for other available prescription pain relievers. It is still often a debate whether smoking weed is habit forming or addictive, and if so whether these disadvantages would make it no better of an alternative than existing treatments.

While many would expect that addiction to weed would occur only in teenagers and young adults, a surprisingly increasing amount of people who are using it as a treatment for chronic pain are also finding themselves becoming dependent on the drug. For many it is a toss up between choosing over drug dependency or being dependent on friends and family to help them with the daily tasks in life.

It may be several more years before we finally know the answer to how to treat and cure arthritic symptoms. If you believe that you may have arthritis or the pain has become severe, there are many options available to explore and talk about with your doctor. Your doctor should be the most up to date and best resource for learning about ways to cope with your condition and adapt your lifestyle so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

Arthritis 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis is a complex disorder that comprises more than 100 distinct conditions and can affect people at any stage of life. Two of the most common forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These two forms have very different causes, risk factors, and effects on the body. The most common symptom in both is persistent joint pain. The joint pain of arthritis can appear as hip pain, knee pain, hand pain, or wrist pain, as well as joint pain in other areas of the body.

For most people arthritis pain and inflammation cannot be avoided as the body ages. Joints naturally degenerate over time. Fortunately, arthritis can be managed through a combination of vitamins, medication, exercise, rest, weight-management, nutrition, and, in some cases, surgery. Arthritis is a chronic disease that will be with you for a long time and possibly for the rest of your life. Your treatments will probably change over time and medication may be adjusted. Having a positive mental outlook and the support of family and friends will help you live with arthritis and be able to continue to perform your daily activities.

Before going any further, it is important that you remember to discuss any and all vitamins and supplements with your doctor before adding anything to your diet. Though it is not common, some vitamins and supplements can have adverse reactions with medications you may already be taking. Do not stop taking any prescribed medications without first talking to your doctor.

As an alternative to getting your RDA through diet, many people now take vitamin supplements. The following list of vitamins are known to be especially beneficial to arthritis sufferers:

Vitamin B5 - When grouped together B vitamins work at their peak, B5 specifically being good for reducing swelling.

Vitamin B3 - This vitamin reduces tissue swelling and dilates small arteries, improved grip strength and joint mobility and increasing blood flow. Note that Vitamin B3 is NOT advised for persons with high blood pressure, gout or sliver disorders.

Vitamin B6 - Another B that reduces tissue swelling. B-6 shrinks the synovial membranes that line the weight-bearing surfaces of the joints. It thus helps to control pain and to restore mobility in the elbows, shoulders, knees and other joints.

Vitamin B12 - This vitamin aids in multiple functions. It helps with cell formation, digestion, myelin production, nerve protection.

Vitamin C - This vitamin acts as an anti-inflammatory, relieving pain, and rids the body of free radicals. In addition to reducing inflammation, vitamin C also helps form collagen, the protein "glue" that holds cells together. Collagen is especially important in connective tissue to insure healthy ligaments, cartilage, tendons and the joints themselves.

Vitamin E - This is a strong antioxidant that protects joints from free radicals while increases joint flexibility.

Vitamin K - This vitamin assists with mineral deposit into the bone matrix.

Selenium and Zinc- The antioxidant nutrients such as selenium and zinc might also be effective because of their ability to stop free radical damage to joint linings that in turn causes the accumulation of fluids, swelling and associated pain.

Chondroitin - the key structural component in cartilage and plays an important role in the maintenance of joint cartilage.

These guidelines will help you evaluate supplements to relieve arthritis symptoms. If used under the guidance of your physician, you may find a dietary supplement to compliment your current arthritis therapy regimen. You just need the right information to help you separate potentially useful supplements from the rest.

Copyright 2006 PillFreeVitamins.com

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The elbow is primarily a hinged joint, capable if bending and extending. It also has a rotation component as well. The joint is held in place with a complex arrangements of ligaments and surrounded by multiple nerves, muscles, and blood vessels. The elbow also has an intimate association with the wrist and hand since the muscles that govern wrist and hand movement have their origin at the elbow.

The two major muscle groups that permit movement of the wrist and hand are the flexors (help the hand make a fist and help the wrist to bend downward) and the extensors (help the fingers to extend and the wrist to bend upward).

The flexors have their origin at the medial epicondyle (inside bony protuberance) and extensors have their origin at the lateral epicondyle (outside bony protuberance). The muscle origin attachment for the flexor muscle group is called the common flexor origin and the muscle origin attachment for the extensor muscle group is called the common extensor origin.

This article will discuss lateral epicondylitis- a disorder that occurs at the outside of the elbow.

Lateral epicondylitis (LE) is a common disorder that is often referred to as "tennis elbow." Interestingly, most people who develop this affliction don't play tennis. Overuse is probably the most common cause, but sometimes minor trauma also plays a role. Many people say, it just began with no history of antecedent overuse or trauma. Gardeners are particularly at risk.

Pain is located directly at the lateral epicondyle or perhaps a bit more distal. The discomfort is aggravated by such activities as shaking hands, lifting a bag, or even getting milk out of the refrigerator.

The "itis" suffix indicates that inflammation plays a prominent role. However, most people, particularly those in their 30's or older do not have inflammation as the underlying problem. Rather, what is seen is tendon degeneration involving the common extensor tendon group. The most common tendon affected is what is called the extensor carpi radialis brevis.

Treatment of the disorder is straightforward. Rest, limitation of the activities, and symptomatic relief are the treatments which are usually used first. Ice, moist heat, and either analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to help with pain sometimes are helpful. The NSAIDS are used for their analgesic properties, not their anti-inflammatory properties per se.

A "tennis elbow" brace, specific stretching exercises, ultrasound administered by a physical therapist, and a single localized ultrasound guided steroid injection can sometimes provide relief. The steroid injection is problematic because local inflammation is not the issue and the steroid can further weaken the already degenerated tendon.

An MRI can also determine if there is a small tear present if the patient doesn't get better. Entrapment of the radial nerve (radial tunnel syndrome), and tendinopathy of the distal biceps tendon can both mimic LE.

Patients who don't respond to conservative measures usually will improve with ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle tenotomy accompanied by platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is a concentrate of a patient's blood which contains a large number of platelets, cells that have many growth and healing factors. This procedure actually builds new tendon tissue and is considered the procedure of choice now for severe chronic LE.

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It is obvious to arthritis patients that they do suffer from pain; but it may not be so obvious that they can also suffer from fatigue and depression which is also related to the disease of arthritis. Pain causes a person to become tired. Being tired combined with the pain can cause symptoms of depression.

We are going to discuss what we can do to help with pain, fatigue and depression as it relates to arthritis.


Some of the pain associated with arthritis is due to stiff, unused muscles. Therefore, unless we are having a "flare"; we should be exercising. Exercising is important because it relieves the stiffness in the muscles and joints and will make you supple. If you practice relaxation exercises; it will not only add strength to the joints and muscles, you will have less pain.

You should not try to do everything yourself when you are in pain. Ask people to help you; they have no way of knowing that you are in pain if you don't mention it. Having pain can lead to stress and depression; so we have to reduce stress and depression, thus eliminating pain.


You are probably aware that arthritis can drain your energy level; especially inflammatory arthritis. This is caused in part by the body using energy trying to heal itself. In order for our body to have energy we need good nutrition because food is the basic source of energy. If we are not eating the proper foods and not getting enough essential vitamins and minerals to sustain us; then we are going to suffer from fatigue. Being overweight will increase the amount of energy we need just to perform daily tasks also adding to the stress we are putting on the joints.

If we are not getting enough sleep our body is going to feel tired. You should try to follow a schedule. If we condition our body to sleep and get up at the same time each day we are creating a routine that is good for us. This will not only allow us to sleep better we will feel like we are well rested when we awake. Being stressed with our busy lifestyles can cause us to have fatigue; so we must lower the stress levels before it leads to depression.

Fatigue can be caused by other things besides your arthritis. Therefore, if you want to prevent fatigue you really have to address the cause of it. Ask yourself; am I eating properly, do I exercise, am I getting the right amount of sleep, am I stressed out?

When people are tired, probably the last thing they want to do is exercise. In reality, it is the best thing you can do. Even just a short walk, or some Yoga will refresh your body and give it more energy.You need to motivate yourself to do this, even if you are feeling tired, and you will see how much better you feel.


Some people with arthritis say they are "feeling down" or they are "unhappy". The thing is, if you are unhappy and you are in pain, this leads to stress, which in turn leads to depression. Pain creates a cycle; causing our muscles to become tense; then this leads to psychological stress, depression and fatigue.

If your arthritis is a significant problem, you certainly have or have had some problems with depression. It is always easy to recognize pain; but on the other hand it's not always easy to realize when you are depressed. Just as there are many degrees of pain, there are also different degrees of depression.

The following are some signs of depression to look for and you probably have had some of these signs, however mild or severe.

  • Loss of energy is a symptom of depression. Feeling tired all the time.

  • Changes in sleeping patterns; like wanting to sleep more than usual, or interrupted sleep.

  • Loss of interest in activities or not wanting friends around.

  • Loss of weight or a gain of weight that is not intentional in a short period.

  • Changes in eating habits like eating more frequently or not interested in food.

  • Low self-esteem; feeling that you are worthless and nothing is worthwhile.

  • Having frequent accidents; like dropping things or just being carless in general.

  • Hostility or anger and flying off the handle over things that haven't bothered you before.

  • Not able to concentrate and become confused easily.

  • Suicidal thoughts.

If some of these symptoms are familiar; you may be depressed. Don't hesitate to seek help. Get out with friends, get exercise, take a vacation, join a group, get a pet. There are several things you can do to eliminate depression.

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One of the dangers of recognizing the symptoms of osteoporosis is that this disease can go undetected for years before any tangible signs are detected.

The gradual onset of osteoporosis will mean that while the bones are slowly being weakened, it's not until something slightly out of the ordinary may occur to your health, that people may explore the possibility that they may have this bone crippling disease.

Signs to look out for:

  • Dull pains around the muscles or bones especially in the lower back.

  • Gradual loss of height or a slight stoop and change in posture.

  • Early stages of the menopause.

  • Taking corticosteroids over long period of time.

  • An innocuous bone fracture.

  • Family history.

If you feel that any of these signs are applicable to you then you should contact your local doctor.

There are two types of osteoporosis, type I and type II:

Type I is much more prevalent in women and often occurs after the menopause as the bones resorption increases - i.e they lose their substance and symptoms tend to occur from the age of 50 upwards with a loss of strength in the spine and wrists.

Type II is more common after 70 and effects women more than men although less so than type I, and is typically the result of the decline in the bones outer hard shell and the spongy tissue inside.

The most likely place type II osteoporosis will develop is in the spine, neck, wrist, hand, hip or foot, where fractures that occur at a young age without detection like a stress fracture in the foot from stepping of a bus or bruising your hip from a fall in the snow - injuries we take to be part and parcel of everyday life - are often the precursor for this ailment.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis:

When you've been diagnosed with this disease, depending on where it's present in your body, the symptoms and treatment will vary.

Osteoporosis Back & Neck Symptoms:

Dull pains may lead to sudden sharp jolts of pain in the lower back or neck as it spreads, lasting from only a few days to a few months.

Spinal osteoporosis will often lead to "dowager's hump" - a stoop. This curvature of the spine is due to the compression placed on the vertebrae and is slightly more common in women.

Osteoporosis Foot Symptoms:

When it occurs in the foot, the patient often finds the pain hard to locate as this disease can radiate quite fast at times, where most of the bones in the foot become slowly demineralized, which can cause multiple arthritic pain in the joints.

Unfortunately when this occurs, to date it's irreversible as the lattice network of the bones has become completely eroded, so treating the symptoms as opposed to instructing remission is the only option. Wearing good arched thick comfy soles with tight laces will help as a practical measure.

Osteoporosis Hip Symptoms:

Until you fracture your hip they may be few if any signs or symptoms except slight aches in the joint. Once the disease is in advanced stages then deformity of the spine, back ache and stooping are common.

Not all osteoporosis of the hip is the same though. Transient osteoporosis of the hip occurs in middle-aged women and men and is normally brought on by obesity, but it is treatable and normally only lasts 6 months to a year.

Osteoporosis Hand and Wrist Symptoms:

Once again it's the lack of bone density that should be the tale-tale signs as to whether this disease is beginning to radiate through the hand, where movement of joints in the wrist and fingers are hindered and often painful on colder days.

It's not too common for this disease to become too degenerative in the fingers, but symptoms may include dislocating your thumb or fracturing a finger. It's damage to the wrist which is more disabling.

* With regards to all forms of osteoporosis, getting a bone density test is the easiest way to assess how bad the disease is.

Below you will find what doctors in the West will and won't prescribe to treat the symptoms of osteoporosis, but your own research should be the judge of this.

Treatment of Osteoporosis:

  1. Take 800 units of vitamin D per day.

  2. A rich calcium daily intake if your on a high acid diet, although there is much debate today as to whether this might contribute to the spread of the disease and that it has little effect on rebuilding the bone.

  3. Rich vitamin K intake through diet and supplements.

  4. Magnesium supplements.

  5. Change from a high acid diet to a high alkaline one which include foods like boc choy, broccoli and romaine lettuce.

  6. Stop, dramatically curb drinking and smoking habits.

  7. Natural joint supplements that include omega 3, 6, 9 proteins plus additional anti-inflammatory ingredients like tongkat ali and reishi.

  8. HRT's: Now this is considered a highly controversial treatment. Undergo estrogen therapy, or hormone replacement therapy at your own peril as the risks to your health are high.

  9. Natural progesterone: As opposed to HRT's which don't build the bone but just slow the rate of the diseases progression, natural progesterone is argued to increase your bones strength and density by stimulating the osteoblasts, cells which build bone.

  10. Exercise is key - period, especially swimming, yoga and low impact sports.

Bottom line:

What doctors will often not recommend are magnesium supplements, however in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine, 1991; 2:165-178, women who took these for 9 months were able to increase their bone density by some 11%, something calcium has not been medically proven to do.

Take for example cows. How do cows grow such large strong bones to support their frame when all they eat is grass each day?

High in magnesium which is the chlorophyll of the plant and low in calcium, you put that fact up against the dietary culture of Eskimos, who consume 2000 mg on average of calcium a day, but hold the record for the highest hip fracture rate among a community globally, it would suggest that even today what doctors in the West offer as the mandatory supplemental treatment for osteoporosis is somewhat questionable.

Yes, calcium supplements are beneficial if you consume a high acid diet as this is known to strip the calcium from the bones to counter the acid content, but there's little proof that calcium instructs remission and helps rebuild the bone, rather it just most likely dampens the damage your diet is inflicting.

Either way, the above recommendations should have some if not a marked impact on dulling the joint and muscle pain and restoring fluidity to movement, while potentially repairing damage to the bone.

However if it's the arthritis and joint pain from the osteoporosis that you want relief from, then fortunately unlike the disease itself, there are supplements that can treat this.

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When a patient with arthritis presents to a rheumatologist, the most important thing to establish is a correct diagnosis. A careful history and physical examination are the most important tools. Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging can also be helpful.

One other important element is the examination of joint fluid. This material, referred to as synovial fluid (SF), is an important constituent of a normal joint. It is a somewhat viscous liquid manufactured by synovial cells, the cells that form the lining of a joint. Under normal circumstances only a small amount of the fluid is produced. The purpose of SF is to provide nutrients for cartilage and also to provide lubrication for the joint.

When evaluating a patient with arthritis, if there is the opportunity to examine SF, it is essential that it be done. The fluid should be evaluated for appearance, total white blood cell count, the types of white blood cells, and also be cultured for bacteria.

Normal SF is slightly yellow and clear- clear enough to read newsprint through. SF that has a lot of white blood cells will be cloudy and turbid. Cloudy synovial fluid is usually due to an inflammatory form of arthritis. When it becomes extremely cloudy, infection should be considered.

Under normal circumstances, the total number of white blood cells in a SF specimen is less than 200 white blood cells per cubic milliliter. If there is infection, the total number of white blood cells will rise dramatically and the type of white blood cell changes. Joint fluid that contains more than 100,000 white blood cells per cubic milliliter is almost always due to infection. In special conditions, if suspected, the fluid should be cultured for fungus or tuberculosis.

Careful examination of the SF for crystals can be rewarding as far as establishing a diagnosis. The most common forms of crystal induced arthritis are gout and pseudogout. Using a polarizing microscope is key to making the diagnosis when crystal-induced arthritis is suspected. The appearance of crystals of monosodium urate in gout is very distinct from the appearance of calcium pyrophosphate, seen in pseudogout. Monosodium urate crystals are needle shaped and calcium pyrophosphate crystals are stubby rod-shaped objects.

One caveat: just because crystals are present doesn't mean there is no infection. Joint fluid should always be cultured.

On rare occasion, fat droplets are seen in SF. This can signify either a fracture or a disorder of the pancreas.

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The following article covers a topic that has recently moved to center stage at least it seems that way. If you have been thinking you need to know more about it, here is your opportunity.

Who has rheumatism, knows very well where the problem is. Among the more than one hundred types catalogued by the type of medical illness, rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most serious and can result in physical disability and premature death.

With the increase in life expectancy in the world (people are living more), although the disease is not exclusive to the elderly. Scientists and medical laboratories intensified their searches to try to alleviate the intense pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, AR , and to ensure the improvement of the quality of life of patients.

During the past Congress of Rheumatology around world, were discussed some promising advances that facilitate early diagnosis of RA and new drugs that point to a possible interruption of progression of the disease.

The rheumatoid arthritis is a disease characterized by frequent inflammation of the joints. This reaction is caused by increased production of a liquid, called sinoval in joints, particularly in the hand fingers, toes, the wrists, shoulders and elbows.

"If you feel joint pain for more than six weeks, accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling, redness and heat in the joints, there is a possibility of having rheumatoid arthritis," warns the rheumatologists.

The experts warns that if the problem is not treated in time and with due care can lead to the destruction of joints. "The rheumatoid arthritis is incapacitating. Therefore, prevention is the best weapon to the individual does not lose the mobility of the joints and its productive capacity," notes the rheumatologists.

Arthritis is a broad term for a group of joint disorders. Each of our joints is surrounded by a cartilage, a tissue protective lubricant that helps the motion and serves as the bone of the damper. Arthritis is characterized by damage to the cartilage causing joint pain when moving. Symptoms of arthritis can vary greatly since there are over 100 different types of this disease but there are general symptoms of arthritis that can help detect it.

Persistent pain in the set is one of the most common symptoms of arthritis. In addition to live constant joint pain, another sign that you can be when the arthritic pain in your joints together or worsen when you move or perform certain activities as simple as walking or standing, from its headquarters in writing, or shooting.

Swelling and stiffness in his joints accompanied by redness and heat are also symptoms of arthritis. These conditions indicate joint inflammation. Also, you may have arthritis is a whole lost its flexibility and range of motion.

There's a lot to understand about arthritis. We were able to provide you with some of the facts above, but there is still plenty more to write about in subsequent articles.

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There are numerous arthritis natural cures that are extremely effective. But all of them have 2 things in common. An effective arthritis natural cure will aim to cure the cause of the arthritis and will also aim to prevent future arthritis attacks. If you do both of these, you will cure arthritis completely. And thousands of people have done just this... and so can you!

Fact! Researchers have recently discovered an indigenous tribe who has no contact with the outside world. But what researchers are dumbfounded at is that there are absolutely no cases of arthritis in any of the tribe members. It is reported that all members work till the day they die with no symptoms of arthritis.

How can this be? Could it be their diets?

What Causes Arthritis in You?

Did you know that your arthritis is caused by your lifestyle and not old age? Many people believe the lie that all people will eventually have to deal with this painful disease. But here is what researchers think arthritis is caused by: a poor diet, an unbalanced diet, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, insufficient vitamins, improper breathing, and lack of sleep. NOT old age!

And here are ways you can overcome arthritis naturally.

Arthritis Natural Cures You Can Start Today

1. One thing you must remember with arthritis is that you need to stop eating preservatives and additives that are in almost all packaged and process foods. Did you know that 30 year old landfills have hotdogs that are still not decomposed? These preservatives in our foods are killing our bodies and are probably the number one cause of arthritis. Tip#1 would be to eat foods that spoil quickly.

2. Soft drinks and diet soft drinks could be the number one thing that you should avoid. They are loaded with preservatives and additives. Tip #2 would be to drink only water and green herbal teas.

3. Coffee is usually loaded with caffeine which has shown negative effects for arthritis sufferers. You can get your morning wake-up with herbal teas or an apple. Tip #3 would be to wake up with tea or an apple.

4. Avoid all foods that contain enriched flour. This is possibly one of the most harmful substances to arthritis sufferers. You may need to do some research to discover what foods you need to avoid but a good place would be to stop eating white bread. Tip # 4 is to avoid enriched flour.

5. Eat as many raw and fresh vegetables as possible. Make sure to thoroughly wash all produce. Produce is great because it is natural and it spoils. Tip #5 is to eat plenty of fresh and raw fruits and vegetables which flush the body.

6. Get your protein from lean meats, nuts, eggs, beans and grains. You should be the cook of all of these fresh foods. Tip #6 would be to eat fresh proteins that are fresh.

7. Avoid all fast foods. Fast foods are all processed. Even subway has processed meats. Make sure you are not abandoning your friends or family, but make sure you are eating only salads at these fast food places.

Are You Ready to Cure Arthritis?

What vitamins should you be taking? What minerals are essential to curing arthritis? What foods should you be eating weekly? What herbs will reduce inflammation? What exercises should you be doing daily?

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How does a person who suffers day in and day out with arthritic pain and poor circulation better themselves through physical fitness? It is no surprise that the very act of exercise itself can help to regenerate and revitalize the body. It is more surprising that more people are realizing the importance of physical exercise and are making good efforts to change themselves for the best.

In this article I will list some components of physical fitness exercises for the shoulders. I will cover other parts of the body like elbows, neck, legs, hips, and feet in other articles.

In this article I will help you explore some shoulder routines combined with some great nutrition ideas that will give you a good start in the right direction to better yourself. In addition I will cover some thoughts on all natural supplements that combined with a good diet and exercise regimen may help any person who wants to go to the "Old Home Gym" or "Public Gym" to take control of their lives.

Component #1

Its all in the mind.

The first component of physical fitness starts in the mind. You have to decide to change. I realized early on that no matter what I read or how much I envied another persons achievements I had a need to make that determination for myself. I was determined to make the difference.


Be your own self motivator. Nobody is going to make you do anything. We are left to the basics of our human nature that is our ability to choose. Read books or search the Internet. There is a lot out there to learn. So choose wisely!

Component #2

The Shoulder?

Here is a quick anatomy lesson on the shoulder for those like me (till I researched it) didn't know or understand how this body part works.

In the human anatomy the shoulder joint comprises the part of the body where the humerus (a long bone in the arm or forelimb that runs from the shoulder to the elbow) attaches to the scapula (connects the arm bone to the collar bone). The shoulder is the group of structures in the region of the joint. It is made up of three bones, the collarbone, shoulder blade, and the upper arm bone as well as associated muscles, ligaments and tendons.

There are two kinds of cartilage in the joint. The first type is the white cartilage on the ends of the bones called (Articular Cartilage) which allows the bone to glide and move on each other. When this type of cartilage starts to wear out (a process called arthritis) the joints become painful and stiff.

The second type of cartilage in the shoulder is the Labrum. This type is distinctly different from the Articular Cartilage in which it is more fibrous or rigid on the ends of the ball and socket. Also, this cartilage is only found around the socket where it is attached.

The shoulder must be flexible for the wide range of motion required in the arms and hands and also strong enough to allow for actions such as lifting, pushing and pulling. All these are part of a good physical fitness routine.

So what causes the cartilage to deteriorate? (aka Osteoarthritis)

Usually age is a big factor. However age is not the only contributor. Other culprits are excessive weight which puts stress on joints.There is also joint overuse, joint injury or stress, and family history. Other possible causes are genetic or developmental abnormalities in the structure of the joint which can cause excess wear and tear.

If you have any genetic or family history of inherited abnormalities in your cartilage structure, seek a physical fitness test from your doctor to determine early symptoms of arthritis. He will give the right advice on the right methods of physical fitness that will work for you.

Component #3

What shoulder fitness routine do I start with?

It has been my experience in weight training that simplest way is usually always the best way. You need to develop a physical fitness program that works for you if you are to properly train your shoulders. The basics of shoulder training is one that requires a person to be conscious of every movement as well as develop a regimen that will consistently challenge oneself to push onward. In all honesty if you get bored you're going to quite!

Keep it fresh and exciting! Change up the routines I list here to keep your body in a state where it will not adapt to just one technique.

Start with 1, then 2, then 3.....

I recommend starting with three (3) separate shoulder exercises for obtaining maximum results.

Start with 3-4 sets of either "machine shoulder press" or "dumbbell presses". I recommend doing between 8-10 repetitions on each set. If you are a beginner use a light weight that gives you some resistance. If you use to light of a resistance you are simply cheating yourself.

Remember Component #1? "It's all in the mind." If you don't get motivated to see results our nature is to just get by with the easiest possible route.

Be careful not to start out with more weight than you can handle as you might injure yourself. Slowly advance in weight as your strength increases. Each set will look as follows:

  • Start by raising the weight above your head and palms out. DO NOT lock the elbows! By locking your elbows you risk hyper extending them causing injury.

  • Next lower the weight till your closed fist is parallel with your chest.

  • Repeat exercise 2-3 more times till completed. Rest 1-2 minutes.

Another type of shoulder exercise is the "side lateral raise". In this exercise I recommend using dumbbells for this exercise. Each set will look as follows:

  • Do 3-4 sets of 8 repetitions with moderately light weight. This isolates the shoulder caps or sides. Don't feel bad if you look over at the guy or gal next you and they are lifting a lot more then you. You will get there soon if you keep up the exercise.Start by holding the dumbbells with palms facing your legs.

  • Raise the dumbbell laterally so your arms are stretched outwardly (palms facing downward at this point) Hold for approximately 2 seconds. Squeeze at the top of the motion, then lower to the starting point.

  • Repeat exercise till 2-3 more times till completed. Rest 1-2 minutes.

The last type of shoulder exercise strengthens the rear deltoid muscle. This normally does not get a lot of attention. Most people forget to even include this part of the shoulder in their fitness routine. So if you get to this point and you are completely wiped out you can stop. However, if you're like me I want to make sure I get all my areas covered. So keep going. Each set will look as follows with 3-4 sets with 8-10 repetitions.

  • Start in a bent over position about a 45 degree angle. Bend the knees slightly to help support and balance yourself. Use light weight dumbbells for this exercise. Be careful not to lock your knees, keep them bent through the entire exercise to avoid stressing the lower back muscles.

  • Your palms should be facing each other and your arms hanging towards the floor. Look up, and with a slow motion raise your elbows just above the ridge of your back (90 degree angle at the elbow).

  • Lower back to starting position.

  • Repeat exercise till 2-3 more times till completed. Rest 1-2 minutes.

That's It! Congratulations! You just finished your first step towards bettering yourself in the physical fitness arena. If you continue to exercise you will strengthen bones, and muscles as well as help circulation in your limbs.

So what does poor circulation and the value of physical fitness have in common?

When we exercise our heart begins to pump blood through our body. The muscles that surround our skeletal structure require great amounts of blood and oxygen. I have experience poor circulation first hand. Many years ago I had an allergic reaction to a medication that was given to me. The doctors after many different tests concluded that I had an allergic reaction to penicillin.

I was in the hospital for four days. At that time a nurse had me get out of bed and walk around. I did not understand the implications but I immediately understood why. My legs would not could not move! I was dumbfounded! I struggled to walk even the shortest distance. During my four day stay at the hospital my muscles developed atrophy. It took several walks before I gained my strength back.

What I am getting at is that when we exercise our bodies we cause this awesome machine to do what it was intended to do. To get good circulation you must make your heart work harder. When you exercise with weights or cardiovascular exercise like running or jogging you force blood and oxygen into the muscles and therefor helping with circulation.

Now I do not suffer from any disease like type 2 diabetes. Nor do I suffer from any arthritis. But I understand now the the full benefits of making the most out of most types of physical fitness programs. Mine is just one of personal preference. So if you suffer from poor circulation due to type 2 diabetes or perhaps you have pain from arthritis in your joints don't fret.

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Arthritis of the joints can be very painful and difficult to live with. There are no cures, but you can help ease the pain with some easy remedies. A few lifestyle changes can help tremendously with the arthritic pain.

One in six Americans has some type of arthritis. Women have a greater chance of developing arthritis than men. Once a person reaches the age of forty they are much more likely to develop the condition. Consuming essential fatty acids can greatly help the joints in their recovery from strenuous activity and reduce inflammation.

Many foods can be eaten to help with arthritic pain and joint inflammation. Fish should be eaten two to three times a week. This will supplement your diet with enough omega three fatty acids while avoiding dangerous mercury levels. If you do not like fish or cannot eat it, cod liver oil may be what you need. This supplement is packed with vitamin A, and vitamin D as well as a hefty portion of omega three fatty acids. Green and yellow vegetables can be eaten to provide antioxidants that work with vitamin C to produce an anti-inflammatory response in the joints. These green and yellow plants are a great source of beta carotene. At least two servings of these types of vegetables should be eaten every day. Grapefruits are an excellent source of antioxidants. Zinc can be found in peas, legumes, milk, and whole grain products. It is recommended that arthritic patients control their weight as the extra pounds will increase the pressure applied to the joints. A diet filled with these foods will be healthy for you anyway, and will definitely help keep any extra weight off.

Try avoiding high levels of omega six fatty acids in your diet as these lead to worsened arthritis symptoms. Some foods that contain these and should be avoided are vegetable oils, any fried food, salad dressings, black or green olives, and canola oil.

Exercise can be a great way to loosen up stiff joints. Water work outs are particularly beneficial for those with arthritis. Exercising in the water provides for muscle strength and complete joint freedom without undue stress. It will increase heart rate considerably and increase range of mobility. Walking is another great form of exercise as it is also very gentle on joints and will also increase heart rate. An hour in the water is almost equivalent to walking for hours on dry land. In a study done on 106 people, everyone that spent an hour in the water for at least two days a week found their arthritis symptoms decreased over the course of a year. The body responds the same way to walking and other gentle exercises. Yoga is another excellent activity. This is splendid for increasing range of motion and flexibility. It improves circulation throughout all the joints and can even improve the way the body uses pain medication.

Message therapy is a very enjoyable experience for most people. Those with arthritis have an excellent excuse for going to get a full body massage because it also increases blood flow and decreases inflammation. The addition of aromatherapy lotion and a few select herbs can be an added perk to the message. Juniper has been found to abate swelling and sandalwood augments blood flow.

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Arthritis is an affliction that makes many people face terrible situations. A proper and early diagnosis can cure arthritis. Disabilities and joint deformation can be prevented if you detect it at an early stage. Problems related to arthritis like inflammation of joints and muscles will limit your daily activities like cooking, cleaning and washing. Even detecting the type of this disease is complicated, as there are more than hundred symptoms that confirm arthritis. Few things can help you fight issues related to the disease and even avoid it completely.

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy life style will definitely make an impact. Smokers should give up smoking, shunning stress is also very important. You should also consult rheumatologist or an orthopedic, if you detect any arthritis symptoms. There are common myths and misconceptions related to arthritis, try refraining from these misconceptions. Some people believe that it is caused due to old age, inadequate diet and climatic conditions and stay away from cure. There are easy steps to ensure proper cure and evading the disease. Saunas work very well in reliving the stress on joints. The second step is moderate exercising to give strength to the joints, but ensure that you do these exercises under the guidance of an expert. Water or aquatic exercises also help in reliving pain and strengthening muscles and joints, as water offers more resistance than air. The next step is to maintain a healthy diet by eating fresh and raw vegetables and whole grains. Coffee, sugar, tea and alcohol should be avoided and must be replaced by healthy drinks like juices or herbal tea.

Enhance the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids, whereas, 6 fatty acid consumption should be lowered. Consume 5 grams of fish oil daily, and stay away from red meat. Eating fresh sea food can assist considerably in skirting the disease. The fourth important aspect is to take correct medication. Ask your doctor to prescribe the best one which fits in your case, as it is very important to stay away from unnecessary drugs and medicines. Avoid food that triggers arthritis like eggs, milk and excess sugar. Resisting temptations and eating food which helps in recovering the situation will definitely show positive results. Resorting to natural and herbal medication will be a sensible decision. These cures are not only effective, but are also devoid of side effects.

The most important thing that you should understand is that arthritis is a common disease and there is no need to panic. Stressing and putting yourself in a miserable situation will only trigger this disease and will cause complications. Enjoy exercising and concentrate more on cure, rather than inviting trouble by thinking about the disease. Any temporary solution to arthritis should be avoided as it hampers the process of gradual cure. Pain killers will only give you temporary relief and will cause complications further. Doing a good research on arthritis will make you aware of different types of arthritis. Once you know the type of arthritis you have, it will benefit you to take steps related to cure and will avoid confusion to a great extent.

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The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be painful and debilitating. If you are experiencing any symptoms similar to the one listed below, it is essential to see a doctor right away for an accurate diagnosis. This is critical because rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that can progress quite rapidly and lead to joint deformity and even organ damage in some individuals.

What are the early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis? In most cases it can start with a feeling of stiffness, especially in the morning which can wear off as the day goes on. The stiff feeling usually starts in the small joints of the hands and feet and can include the wrist and shoulders as well.

Both sides of the body are usually affected symmetrically, which means both left and right hand and feet. The moment this type of stiffness is noticed is the time to get a diagnosis. It may be nothing to worry about, but if it turns out to be rheumatoid arthritis, an early diagnosis is one of the best things that can happen. If your doctor seems dismissive, go and find another, or ask to be referred to a rheumatologist. It's very important to start rheumatoid arthritis treatment as soon as possible.

After the initial feelings of stiffness, the joints may become painful and inflamed. You may feel very tired for no apparent reason or have a slight fever and flu like symptoms, you may even lose your appetite. At this stage a lot of people will shrug this off as the flu and the aches and pains that normally accompany the flu. This is what makes this disease so destructive, the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be similar to the symptoms of other diseases.

Over time the pain and inflammation will worsen. The affected joints may feel "hot" and the surrounding skin may appear red. Eventually the symptoms will spread to other parts of the body such as the hips, knees and possible the jaw. There may be weakness in the muscles and joints and swelling in the lymph glands. You may even notice the appearance of small bumps under the skin near the affected joints. These are known as rheumatoid nodules.

Eventually, if the disease remain untreated, deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joints will occur and the joints will become deformed and this will further limit movement. There are various surgical procedures that can be performed these days which can give sufferers a better quality lifestyle.

Unfortunately the joints are not the only body parts that can be affected. Rheumatoid arthritis can also spread to connective tissue and blood vessels all through the body and cause inflammation in certain organs, such as the heart and lungs, increasing your risk of respiratory and infectious diseases. This is another reason why accurate diagnosis is so important.

To make diagnosis more frustrating is the fact that the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be confused with those of osteoarthritis, which is a more mechanical form of arthritis. However osteoarthritis does not typically affect both sides of the body symmetrically and there is no accompanying inflammation or fever. However in mild cases it is sometimes hard to tell the difference when joint pain is the only symptom.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can also come and go. Frustratingly they can disappear when you are at the doctor's surgery, only to reappear when you arrive home! More often there will be flare ups which can last for indefinite periods of time, followed by a period of remission. Sometimes the disease will disappear, never to return and in some cases it will be present all the time.

The main thing is to always monitor your body for unusual or new symptoms. If you notice any stiffness combined with flu-like signs or persistent tiredness, have them checked without delay as they could very well be symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and the progress of this disease is very rapid.

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