Osteoarthritis is a common disorder that many women and men suffer daily, interfering with the daily routine. What if there was a natural way to find relief from this agonizing pain?

With just a few simple steps, you can be one of the many sufferers enjoying life again.

There's nothing worse than feeling joint pain day after day. Knowing that there is pain relief medication is the only thing that may bring relief to you. Then there are the days that nothing seems to help.

Being diagnosed with Osteoarthritis is not an easy thing to live with. It's important not to give up with the hope that one day you will not feel any pain. It's an agonizing feeling to go through, such tremendous amount of discomfort each day.

Many joints can be affected, but the hand joints are the one's affected more. This can interfere with your daily routine, stopping you to perform many tasks.
It's important to recognize early symptoms of Osteoarthritis, such as joint pain.

Consult a doctor if it continues more than a few weeks. The doctor will first evaluate your symptoms and diagnose you accordingly. If the doctor suggests that you take medication, listen to him. He will recommend you the best pain management treatment, in order to make you feel better.

Follow your doctor's advice. He has the expertise and the knowledge to give you the best advise possible. When your dealing with chronic pain, managing your osteoarthritis pain is important to do in order to feel better. Your family doctor will refer you to a Rheumatologist who specializes in arthritis and related diseases.

He will look for physical evidence by observing for swelling and redness, tenderness, rashes, nodules and other deformities. You can choose to relief your chronic pain by trying out some of these options.

Natural remedies are used to provide pain relief. Look into some of these options, and begin to feel better.

- Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

Studies have shown people on glucosamine have found a reduction in the swelling and pain of arthritis. The dose in most individuals used is 1500mg of glucosamine sulfate and 800 to 1200mg chondroitin sulfate.

The only side effect that may occur is a mild stomach discomfort, which can be solved by taking the pill with food. It must be taken for a period of three months in order to see results.

- Acupuncture

Acupuncture is another option you may want to consider, by inserting hair thin needles into specific points in the body. It's known to release internal pain relieve substances such as endorphins and serotonin.

- Yoga

Many people think that yoga is a painful way to get effective relief because it involves moving the body in different ways. You'll be surprised in the amount of relief it can offer. Exercise is also another great way to lose the fat.


A balanced diet is important to have in order to see a difference. Adding fiber to your diet such as whole grains, and increasing your vegetables can benefit you.

Losing weight can help remove pressure from the joints, which will reduce inflammation.

Other nutrients to consider are vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. These help reduce pain that is caused by inflammation.

Fish oils can help reduce inflammation that your body is trying to fight. By eating fatty fish such as salmon and sardines three times a week, can help reduce the inflammation process in your body.


You shouldn't have to go on suffering with this disease. With a good diet and exercise program, you can make a big difference in decreasing osteoarthritis pain.

Arthritis specialists have seen good results just by following these few steps. You deserve to feel better again. Make your life a pain free one.

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans.

OA is a disease of hyaline cartilage, the tough "gristle" that caps the ends of long bones. Hyaline cartilage consists of a matrix of proteoglycans which are complex arrangements of proteins and sugar molecules. In addition, there is a framework of tough collagen fibers.

Inside this proteoglycan/collagen matrix are cells called chondrocytes. The maintenance of cartilage is dependent on normal metabolic function of these chondrocytes.

Cartilage, when loaded or exposed to shearing forces, acts as a shock absorber. It will partially deform but springs back to its normal shape. It also provides a gliding surface which is facilitated by a small amount of synovial fluid, produced by the joint lining, that acts as a lubricant.

OA is a wear and tear disease of articular cartilage and results from the lack of ability of cartilage to keep up with excessive breakdown.

A disturbance in the matrix causes loss of cartilage resiliency. Inflammatory proteins, called cytokines, and destructive enzymes, called proteases degrade cartilage.

While there are no therapies that can halt the gradual destruction and wearing away of cartilage, there are some treatments that provide palliative relief.

These include analgesic medicines (pain relievers), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), physical therapy, exercise, and injections of glucocorticoids and viscosupplements.

A new treatment, called nerve growth blocking factor, was initially tested in clinical trials a few years ago. These drugs block nerve growth factor, a protein causing certain nerve cells to grow. This drug proved to be profoundly effective for relieving the pain of OA of the knee.

Unfortunately, a significant number of volunteers in the studies experienced complications, termed "joint failure."

"These included 83 cases of rapidly progressing osteoarthritis where bone and cartilage deteriorated and 30 cases of osteonecrosis, which is bone death caused by poor blood supply," according to Nona Colburn, a clinical reviewer with the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health.

The makers of these drugs feel these complications were due to patients using anti-nerve growth factor drugs along with NSAIDS and have recommended that if the drugs are marketed patients not use them alongside NSAIDS.

The manufacturers also have said that if studies are resumed, they will use lower doses of the anti-nerve growth factor drugs, limit the amount of NSAID a patient can take during the trials, and also screen volunteers for conditions that might predispose them to joint failure complications.

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Arthritis is the #1 cause of disability in the world with more than 350 million people affected. 1/7 of the total people affected with arthritis live in the U.S. They suffer from severe limitations, absenteeism, obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease, depression and fears their symptoms could get worse. It's estimated that the total cost of arthritis cases is close to $100 billion of which nearly 50% accounts from lost earnings. Each year, arthritis results in nearly 1 million hospitalizations and close to 45 million visits to health care centers. More than 70% of people who are affected by arthritis in North America are over the age of 65. It's more common in women than men at all ages and affects all races, ethnic groups and cultures.

There's over 100 type of arthritis, some more severe then others. The primary forms of arthritis range from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, gout and pseudo-gout, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, still's disease to ankylosing spondylitis. The secondary forms of arthritis are link to other diseases and complications. They ranges from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, lyme disease, hepatitis, haemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, Inflammatory bowel disease, Henoch-Sch繹nlein purpura to Wegener's granulomatosis.

The one that affects the most people is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease. It comes as a result of natural aging, trauma or infection of the joint. Other well known types are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and autoimmune diseases. These types causes the body to attack is own tissues while others like septic arthritis is caused by joint infection. The most common symptoms for all arthritis disorders include varied levels of pain, swelling, joint stiffness, ache around one or many joints, fever, weight loss, poor sleep, malaise and feeling of tiredness. These symptoms should be taken seriously and treated early to prevent any complications.

Available treatments include drugs such as corticosteroids, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), immunosuppressants (cyclosporine and cyclophosphamide), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira). Physical therapy, exercise, orthopedic bracing, medications, dietary supplements, arthroplasty (joint replacement surgery) and natural remedies may be the solution depending of the arthritis. Clinical examination, radiology and blood tests made from an appropriate health professional are key for a good diagnosis.

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis affecting millions of people worldwide. The hallmark for diagnosis is degenerative changes within an affected joint. It occurs when the rate of cartilage damage exceeds the rate of repair. Osteoarthritis can result in significant pain, joint stiffness and other manifestations and can have a significant impact on one's quality of life and independence. An exact cause has not been established however, there are a number of risk factors contributing to its development including age, obesity, physical trauma, relative activity level (too much or too little), family history of OA, underlying metabolic issues and faulty posture and joint mechanics. Due to the impact OA can have, an effective preventative and treatment approach becomes important. Whereas many medications have unwanted side effects and only provide symptomatic relief, there are natural methods to prevent, manage and slow the progression of osteoarthritis.

How do I prevent or slow the progression of OA?

While we can't necessarily prevent OA 100%, healthy lifestyle choices and reducing risk factors help considerably. If you already have osteoarthritis, do not rely fully on passive treatments. Combing complementary and alternative therapies with appropriate lifestyle modification will lead to improved function, reduced pain and better overall sense of well-being.

1) Weight loss:
Excessive weight can place an undue amount of force and stress on joints. Thus, weight loss is recommended for those who are overweight or obese not only for the beneficial effects on joints but also for overall health.

2) Prevent injuries:
While not all injuries can be avoided, many spinal injuries can be prevented by using appropriate lifting mechanics (maintaining a neutral spine and a strong core). Injuries to the lower extremities can sometimes be avoided by ensuring one wears appropriate footwear.

3) Be physically active:
A healthy cardiovascular system means better health and healing in general. Aim for 翻 hour of moderate intensity activity for most days of the week. Exercise is also one of the best non-drug treatments for OA. Some excellent low impact ideas include swimming, tai chi, yoga and walking.

4) Maintain a healthy diet:
A healthy, balanced diet rich in antioxidants and nutrients is important for overall health. Indeed, dietary modifications can also affect pain level. Consider an anti-inflammatory diet. Different foods are metabolized differently in the body, some reducing inflammation and others exacerbating it. Foods to include are antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken, omega-3 fats and whole grains. Foods to avoid include high fat meats, cheese, starchy/sugary foods, trans fats, butter, cream and highly processed foods.

5) Take glucosamine:
Glucosamine is a natural substance that the body makes which lubricates joints. With age, however, production is diminished thus making supplementation important. 1500 mg per day is typically recommended for people over 40.

6) Work on posture:
Having good posture will reduce load on joints as it allows body weight to be distributed more evenly. Chiropractors can give specific exercises to correct postural problems including strengthening exercises for relatively weaker muscles and stretches for relatively tense muscles.

7) Chiropractic care:
Regular chiropractic care can detect and correct small problems before they become bigger problems. Adjustments are used to restore mobility in restricted joints and correct alignment. Joint restrictions can accelerate joint degeneration in two ways. First, if one joint is not moving well, other joints must work harder to compensate. Second, the restricted joint itself will begin to degenerate because movement is required for flushing nutrient-rich joint fluid which supports cartilage health. Thus, regular chiropractic care normalizes joint mechanics. In addition, restoring spinal alignment improves communication in the nervous system such that overall healing is optimized.

What else can I do to relieve pain?

1) Try an epsom salt bath:
Warm epsom salt baths help to relieve muscle tension which reduces stress on joints.

2) Sleep well:
Good rest ensures good restoration. Sometimes a new mattress and quality pillow can make all the difference in having a comfortable night.

3) Try pain relieving ointments:
There are many natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving ointments available in health food stores.

4) Consider orthotic footwear:
Good footwear and orthotics can correct alignment at the base of support and add comfort and shock absorption for joints higher up in the kinetic chain.

5) Other complementary and alternative therapies:
Acupuncture and massage therapy are great alternative therapies for management of painful conditions. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and has been shown to be effective for improving symptoms of OA. Massage therapy relaxes muscles which decreases the compressive forces on joints. Consulting with a naturopath can provide more specific recommendations regarding herbal and dietary measures.

1.Hart, J (2008). Osteoarthritis And Complementary Therapies. Alternative and Complementary Therapies; 14(3):116-120.

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Just like people, arthritis also affects our pets, sometimes because of a genetic predisposition, but there are other factors that increase the susceptibility to osteoarthritis.

25-30% of our canine and feline family members will show the effects of osteoarthritis, and up to 70% of dogs in specific breeds such as German Shepard, Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever. Dog arthritis comes with age and it mostly affects large size dogs.

If your dog or cat is overweight, it will accelerate the arthritic disease process and symptoms by placing additional pressure on joints. On average, obese dogs are likely to develop osteoarthritis three years earlier than lean dogs. If you can't feel the animal's ribs anymore, your dog is becoming overweight. Gentle exercise is helpful for any pet; swimming, if possible, is ideal.

Osteoarthritis in dogs and cats is caused by the deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joint and progresses slowly over a long period of time. This condition can be brought on by an earlier injury or genetic disease such as hip dysphasia, more common in the large dog breeds. Very active and working dogs are involved with physically demanding activities which put repeated stress on their joints, making them more susceptible to osteoarthritis.

Restricting jumping activities is very important in preventing immediate and future cartilage and spinal disc damage. This is especially true with the smaller breeds and dogs with very long backs, such as Dachshunds and Basset Hounds. When a dog jumps down instead of using portable steps or a dog ramp, the impact pressure is absorbed into the front legs. The line of force is directed down the length of the spinal column, causing compression of the individual discs, inviting osteoarthritis risks as well as spinal cord damage.

Viral, fungal, and bacterial infections can contribute to the development of arthritis. Conditions include Ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, carried and spread by ticks.

If you are interested in natural/holistic prevention and treatment there are good natural remedies and solutions available, designed to support healthy strong joints, muscles, tendons, cartilage and bones.

Orthopedic memory foam dog beds improve the quality of life for dogs and cats with hip or elbow dysplasia, arthritis and joint problems associated with large breeds and older pets, by reducing pressure on joints and other jutting body parts. These beds are firm enough to satisfy your dog's instinctual need to sleep on solid ground, while assisting healthy circulation. Traditional material is susceptible to sag. If possible, lifting the sleep area several inches to a foot off the ground will help in the dog's comfort.

A high quality glucosamine/chrondroitin sulfate supplement is a good defense and treatment for arthritis in dogs and cats. Glucosamine/chrondroitin sulfate stimulates the production of important proteins found in cartilage and proteoglycans, which are the water-holding molecules that cartilage is comprised of; helps reduce pain and, over time, rehabilitates damaged cartilage.

MSM (methysulfonylmethane): Another supplement to maintain healthy connective tissue that is a naturally occurring sulfur compound found in the cells of the body. It helps prevent arthritis in dogs and cats and can assist in reducing inflammation and swelling that accompany arthritis, disease and injuries.

Digestive enzymes and probiotics: Essential in aiding digestion and nutrient assimilation. They help avoid inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, allergies and degenerative conditions by maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal system in our dogs and cats.

Essential fatty acid supplements: Preferably with fish oil, will help reduce inflammation and aid in the treatment of joint problems and allergies.

High potency antioxidants: Inflammation of arthritic joints contributes to the oxidation activity of free radicals that are damaging to the cells of the body and can increase the risk of cancer.

Acupuncture: Dramatic improvement is possible for arthritic dogs and cats with regular treatments.

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Osteoarthritis is identified as the most common form of arthritis and has affected millions of people around the world, mostly in their forties or more. Also referred to as degenerative joint disease, it is characterized by damage to the cartilage, the substance found between joints and serves as cushion against constantly rubbing joint bones. Among the joints commonly affected by osteoarthritis are the hips, knees, and in the hands, all of which bear the body weight in some degree or another. Along with pain, swelling and inflammation also occurs in the affected joints. There has been a lot of products promising relief from these symptoms as well as addressing the destruction of the cartilage, one of which is the liquid glucosamine product offered by Synflex.

There are numerous reasons for the development of osteoarthritis. These include injury, infection, and the result of wear and tear over the years. Typically, glucosamine, the active ingredient in Synflex and Syn-flex 1500 Liquid Glucosamine products, can be naturally produced in the body. However, as one grows older, the body loses its capability of producing the amount of glucosamine needed in order for the body to produce collagen fibers and proteoglycans, building blocks of cartilages. Because of the damage done to cartilages, there is hardening of the joints, which makes movement painful. Bone spurs also develop in the affected joints, adding to the pain and discomfort of arthritis patients. Apart from pain, osteoarthritis is also manifested in bone deformation and vastly reduced mobility.

In several studies conducted, glucosamine has been found to be effective in alleviating pain and inflammation, as well restoring movements. It is also found that liquid forms of glucosamine sulfate are more readily absorbed by the body compared to glucosamine products in capsule forms. And because it is readily available and extracted from animal cartilages, a lot of glucosamine liquid products have found its way into the market. Syn-flex products, however, are touted to be one of the most effective liquid glucosamine products for osteoarthritis, not only in humans but also in pets.

What makes Synflex liquid glucosamine a cut above the rest is the assurance of its high quality raw materials and the combination of several other substances to ensure pain relief as well as cartilage repair among its users. Syn-flex not only addresses pain and inflammation, but goes right into the source of the problem. Syn-flex Liquid Glucosamine is effective in the long-term management of osteoarthritis. Though other medications, like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs promise immediate pain relief, they are only good in masking the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Syn-flex liquid glucosamine is not only effective in rehabilitating but also in restoring movements to affected joints. It also affords protection from further damage to the cartilage. Many users report favorable results in as little as ten days following the intake of Synflex products.

These natural glucosamine products are available in apple and orange flavors, and can be taken in original form or mixed with other beverages.

Most pet owners would be happy to know that Synflex liquid glucosamine products are also veterinarian recommended for dogs and cats with arthritis. Administered in dosages according to the weight of the pet, these supplements also promise the same pain relief and joint rehabilitation as experienced by humans. Owners will find that their pet who used to whine in pain and just lie in the corner to avoid movements will regain their alertness and zest for activities.

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Total knee replacement is generally performed in older patients with osteoarthritis. For the first time in India, a new prosthesis for young patients with osteoarthritis will be introduced. This prosthesis made of a wonder material called Zirconium, a ceramic coated metal ensures longer survival of the prosthesis after implantation. The introduction of this prosthesis will hopefully encourage more number of young and middle aged Indians and Westerners to undergo knee replacement in India.

Advantages of Zirconium

1) The significant advantage of Zirconium knee implants is that it is considerably harder. On testing it lasts 85 times longer in tests that simulate the stresses inside the actual knee. Additional advantages are scratch resistance.

2) When it is wet, ceramic can glide smoothly along plastic, making for smoother motion than with metal-on-plastic. As a result, the Oxinium total knee replacement will not generate the quantity of plastic wear debris that cobalt chrome will, and the implants should last considerably longer. Zirconium is one of the six most biocompatible elements know to man. So, your immune system will more easily tolerate your new implant.

3) Lastly, patients who are allergic to nickel, the metal most often used in the current implants, cannot currently receive total knee replacements. The ceramic implant, however, can be implanted safely in patients with nickel allergies, since it uses a zirconium alloy with no nickel. Implants made of Oxinium have been implanted in larger number of patients in the UK Australia and the US with great success.

Who would benefit most from an Oxinium (zirconium) total knee replacement?

Three types of patient have been identified as the "best" candidates for an Oxinium total knee replacement.

"Younger" patients: Because Oxinium knee implants offer significantly less wear compared to cobalt chrome implants, they are expected to last considerably longer. In the past, orthopedic surgeons have advised patients less than 65 years of age to wait to have knee replacement surgery because the life span of the cobalt chrome knee implants is only 10-15 years. Now, surgeons have a viable option for a younger patient who previously would not be a candidate for a total knee replacement because the Oxinium knee implants should last much longer. Therefore, a patient under the age of 65 who has advanced arthritis of the knee no longer has to suffer for years until he reaches an appropriate age for total knee replacement surgery.

"Active" patients: Patients, who desire to return to an active lifestyle, including sports, dancing, gardening, or other strenuous activities, may also benefit from an Oxinium knee replacement. As a result of their high activity level, this patient population will put more "wear and tear" on their knee replacement, which can cause the implants to wear more quickly. An Oxinium knee is better able to tolerate this high activity level and last longer that the traditional cobalt chrome knee. Metal allergy patients: Because Oxinium is one of the most biocompatible materials known to man, it is the only choice for patients who exhibit metal allergies. Patients who have needed total knee replacement surgery, but could not tolerate the cobalt chrome implants due to their nickel content, can now have the surgery they need to return to an active lifestyle without the fear of an allergic reaction.

The first patient will be a middle aged Housewife with osteoarthritis. Whereas normal knee prostheses cost about 80,000 rupees, this new prosthesis may cost about 1. 25 lakhs, but it is comparable to the best in its category. The higher cost will be offset by the longer survivorship of the implant. A Total knee package is available for Indians and foreigners with normal and long life prostheses at affordable costs.

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The pain associated with arthritis can definitely be very intense. What's worse is that every time your arthritis flares up, your normal range of motion can be limited to a significant degree. As a result, you cannot do all the things you used to do before arthritis took over a great part of your life.

There are many different forms of arthritis, the most common of which includes rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout. Contrary to popular belief, arthritis can be managed quite successfully. All you need to do is enlist the aid of certain medications formulated specifically to deal with the symptoms of the disease and adopt some healthy lifestyle changes. Be free from the ties that bind you with arthritis and live life the way you used to! Here are some surefire strategies that can help you deal with arthritis:

o Keep excess weight off! Those extra pounds just add stress to your already inflamed joints so you better do something about it! Eat a well-balanced diet and make sure that you have enough of the nutrients needed to reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Getting enough vitamin C will help your body repair damaged tissue while substantial amounts of vitamin D will help your body absorb calcium, protect your bones and prevent bone loss. And don't forget to get enough calcium - it will help strengthen your bones.

o Give those joints some work out! To reduce arthritis flare ups, you need to adopt a moderate exercise routine. This may help you increase your flexibility and stability and may also aid in strengthening your joints. However, people with rheumatoid arthritis should refrain from exercising during flare-ups to prevent further damage. A word of caution - you should only exercise to the point where you feel mild discomfort. Do not over-exercise!

o Sleep it off! You should be getting enough sleep - it would be great if you can put in 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.

What you put in your mouth has a great deal to do with your arthritis. Eat the wrong kinds of foods and you are sure to suffer from the consequences of your actions. Eat the right kinds of foods and you'll be spared from the pain. There's just no getting around it - your diet can determine your fate! To help you in dealing with your problem, here is a list of some of the foods that can be your ally in your fight against arthritis.

Bananas - These golden fruits enjoy the status of being one of nature's "perfect foods". Bananas are better known for being one of the richest sources of potassium but do you know that they are excellent arthritis fighters as well? Bananas contain high amounts of vitamin B6, folate and vitamin C - some of the nutrients needed to keep your joints and bones healthy. They are also a great source of soluble fiber so they can play an important part in your weight loss efforts as well!

Green Pepper - Vitamin C can be of great help in controlling the symptoms of arthritis but if you are not very fond of eating citrus fruits, you can reach out for a green pepper instead. A single green pepper can provide you with 176% of your daily needs for vitamin C while the red and yellow varieties can provide you with more than twice that amount! And not only that - sweet peppers are also known as excellent sources of vitamin B6 and folate.

Salmon - Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, also known as the "healthy fats". It also contains calcium, vitamin D and folate - some of the nutrients that help in the fight against arthritis.

Shrimp - The mighty shrimp can be one of your best bets in conquering arthritis pains. You can get about 30% of your recommended daily amount for vitamin D in just three ounces of cooked shrimps. That's much more than what you can get in a cup of milk! Shrimps also contain essential omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, iron and vitamin B12.

If you are serious in your desire to control your arthritis, be sure to include these wonder foods in your diet. They can sure help you a lot!

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Are you suffering from arthritis? Did you know that there are natural ingredients that can cure arthritis that are right in your supermarket? It's true. A couple of proposed natural treatments for arthritis have been proven to be successful over the years. The most common and widely used natural remedy for arthritis is the use of heat and cold to treat the disease. Applying heat to a joint can provide significant relief and you can use electric blankets and even hot packs. Taking a bath can also play a significant role. Cold can also be used as a natural remedy for arthritis in that by wrapping an ice cube in a piece of cloth and pressing it on the joint will relieve pain.

Another most effective natural cure for arthritis is by mixing dilute garlic, lavender, sage, rosemary, thyme or juniper oils in the proportion of one part to ten of olive oil and applying the oil combination on the painful joints can lead to immediate relief and curing of arthritis. Another simple treatment for this illness is the use of hot vinegar, which can also be applied on the joint as it helps reduce the pain and swelling around the joint. Using 1 to 2 teaspoons of cod liver oil is likewise known as an effective way to lessen the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. Adding alfalfa seeds to your tea and drinking it up to 3 to 4 cups daily will also reduce inflammation on your joints.

The most attractive feature of these natural arthritis remedies is that they are safe and have not been shown to cause the same adverse reactions as the pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs. Below are some of the more well-known natural remedies for arthritis:

  • Glucosamine & Chondroitin
    These compounds are naturally found in the body and can aid in promoting joint health and repair.

  • MSM
    A naturally occurring sulfur compound that reduces swelling much like other arthritis medications

  • Manganese
    An important antioxidant nutrient that is useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis

  • Niacinamide
    This is also known as Vitamin B3. It helps maintain the integrity of cells and tissues, slowing the progression of arthritis.

  • Turmeric and ginger extract
    Both are anti-inflammatory herbal extracts that are effective in curing rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

The Home Treatment Programme, which was developed by Charles de Coti-Marsh over 60 years ago, offers a natural method of managing your arthritis and relief from the associated pain. This program presents three essential components; namely: diet, supplementation and postural management.

Weight loss can be considered one of the natural cures for arthritis, as the joints affected get relief when there is less weight and stress placed upon them daily. There might be natural cures for arthritis that meet with the body's needs for healing. Again, be sure and check with a doctor before taking large doses of any supplement or when using a program with prescription arthritic drugs.

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A Baker's cyst is characterised by a swelling behind the knee which is caused by a build-up of fluid from the knee joint.

It is also known as a popliteal cyst and is the kind of bursitis where the synovial sac behind the knee becomes overfilled with fluid causing severe pain in the area.

The reason it is commonly known as a Baker's cyst is in memory of the physician who first described the condition, the surgeon William Baker (1839-1896).

There are numerous causes to this kind of swelling behind the knee, but the main ones are as follows:

  • Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis

  • Sports Injury or trauma to the joint

  • Repetitive stress injury from standing or cycling

  • Age related weakening

  • Excess of uric acid (Gout)

The condition is more prevalent in women than men mainly due to the fact that more women suffer with osteo arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and typically when they are over the age of 40, although it can affect people of any age.


The best way to diagnose a Baker's cyst is to either use ultrasound or have an MRI scan but if you have a fluid filled swelling behind the knee and a lot of pain then this is a good indication that you have developed a bursa or cyst.

Treating a Baker's cyst

You can treat a Baker's cyst yourself at home by taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory preferably an NSAID or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

You can also use a pack of ice (or frozen peas) to reduce any swelling and then use a compression bandage to support the knee joint. Resting the knee joint is also important.

If the swelling or pain behind your knee fails to resolve itself you may need to visit your doctor or podiatrist who can either recommend a corticosteroid medication or remove the fluid by draining it.

Ruptured Baker's cyst

In the rare case that you have a ruptured Baker's cyst, then the fluid will leak in to your calf and lower limb causing severe pain which usually resolves itself in one to 4 weeks. During this time you may need prescription painkillers available from your doctor.

Repairing the knee

If your knee is damaged from say osteoarthritis or a sports injury, then your joint may need to be repaired in a surgical procedure called arthroscopy, which is a form of keyhole surgery, used to clean out the joint.

These kinds of painful cysts can be quite debilitating particularly for those whose primary cause his arthritis. However, there are numerous treatments available to you to manage the condition successfully and so if you are suffering with this kind of swelling behind the knee do not despair; seek the help of your doctor or podiatrist and have it diagnosed early enough for the right treatment to be given.

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